Just brought empire total war today and just starting to get in to my campaign. But I wondering if it is possible to unlock any of the unplayable factions as you could in Medieval II?
bentleg's forum posts
I had buzz on the PS2 and I wondering if my buzzers from that would work on the ps3 version or do I need the new wireless ones?
[QUOTE="biltros"][QUOTE="fatshodan"]Sex sells everything.-KinGz-
sad but true
Why exactly is that sad ^^
Because if you want sex just get yourself a porno and be done with.
[QUOTE="teardropmina"][QUOTE="lbjkurono23"]By the way the game is old, new 29.99, used 6.99marriage0
not sure it's ok to discuss buying and selling used games since I was told that it's also piracy.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with buying used games, you are still buying it, as long as it is a legit copy then you are not breaking any laws. the only reason people like EA don't like you doing it is becuase they want you to buy the new copy, and so they get more money, but if you buy a car, you are entitled to sell it, same with your house or any other posession, you own the game, so you can sell it, its up to you
While I agree with you. From a legal point of view that might not be true as you are not technically buying the game you are buying a liscense to that game and in most EULA they do say no unauthorised selling of the game.
I've bought two games online and they've both run like they were new. biggest_loser
Yeah but problems can arise when you have to input a CD key in and it has already been used for another account.
Depends on the game?
Usually not really a problem. But if the game is online you may run into trouble.
Planning on getting this game tomorrow but just trying to think the cheapest place to get it. How much is it on steam as it wont let me look at the page for it so just wondering if somebody can have a look at the US steam for me.
I am not a massive PC gamer but I dabble every so often and one of the games I am a big fan of is the Civilization series so I am pretty excited by colonisation. Thinking I could buy it today off steam (something which I do not use that often and only have 6 games on it) so I went on it and I cannot buy it because the European release date is friday. Fair enough I thought.
But then I got thinking if the US steam and the Euro steam is different why is everything displayed in dollers without the tax automatcally on the price(prices are always displayed with tax in the UK)?
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