@fredyellowone thats the problem. Casuals will get conned into getting this console and be ripped off. I dont care if next xbox shoots rainbows and feeds unicorns into my living room. I refuse to buy. Casuals is what Micro$oft will feed off of next gen. Hardcore will play ps4 or pc.
http://www.gamespot.com/news/subscription-based-xbox-720-priced-at-300-with-500-standard-model-6406544 Migrate here people, always online is confirmed, and to top it off, a $500 price tag, or a cheaper subscription based model.
Another thing, if servers are full, are you going to have to join a que for your console to power on? Anything always online has its fair share of issues, sometimes taking months to years to resolve, and they never get fully resolved.
@fredyellowone @bfmv2007 Im not saying its a bad game, im saying it had a crappy launch, and many players didnt even bother because its always online. Thats the same way the next xbox will go. Anything always online will always have problems hindering it from functioning properly. As much as I love my WoW, it too, has its fair share of problems, on patch day, when the servers are full, etc.
@GOGOHeadray http://www.gamespot.com/news/subscription-based-xbox-720-priced-at-300-with-500-standard-model-6406544 <========= new 20k topic. I see it coming.
Look at Diablo 3's always online requirement. Yes it sold fantastic, yes plenty of people played and finished it. But look at how many dropped off from playing after a month. Look at a year later. Most of them stopped because of the always online requirement. Also, Simcity anyone?
@fredyellowone @zen120 He probably means the ps3 was crazy expensive when it launched. Price is a key point when a console launches. And $500 is just crazy for a starting model. Subscription isnt any better either, because your still paying the same amount over time.
@orion5487 @bfmv2007 @MoronGotMyName If the console has to be always online and you choose the subscription based model, then technically you are paying a subscription to turn your console on. At least thats how in understood it.
@wrestlemaniaw Just imagine how many people without a good internet connection are getting conned into getting this crap. I still know people with satellite internet, and they cant stay connected for more than 10 min.
bfmv2007's comments