Good News for me! finally learning to accept my body. I am so tired of the media saying that guys find it so attractive when girls are stick thin and can see your skelton frame , you know what ? Fu#k the media, I am going to keep my curves and I don't give a sh*t if you don't like me as a big curvy gal.
This is one reason why I do bellydancing , yoga , and pilates , it keeps me healty and Curvy....So you know what I have to go and ask my guy friends if they find skelton girls sexy. Later.
do guys really find that sexy?
I really think the media should really start changing their attitudes on curves. They are not badÂ
Look at marylin monroe, I am not personally a huge fan of hers , but i do admire her body.
I just need to know what you guys think.
So what is it ? Curves or Sickly thin?
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