@feleas: Not really. I just had no idea what I was getting into, but once I got into it for so long I didn't want to lose, so I played it safe. Which of course just extended things out even further....
@s1taz4a3l: Even extensive re-shoots don't guarantee the end-result will be crappy. It just means the initial result was crappy.
Some great movies have had extensive re-shoots, like Back to the Future, Rocky, Jaws, Blade Runner, etc. The problem with re-shoots is that it can put extreme pressure on the team to meet deadlines. Rushed work has a higher chance of being crappy, but it's certainly no guarantee.
@Elranzer: Even fan art, music, and fiction based on an existing IP could be seen as intellectual property theft as it eliminates possible money-making opportunities for the owner of the IP.
However, none of those are primary products for the company, so it slides. A fan video game creation based on a video game IP is another thing entirely.
O'Brien's "handler" is part of his staff, so it's not like he's an expert on these things. That said, O'Brien makes anyone look like an expert when it comes to video games, but that's beside the point!
From what I can remember the longest fight I've ever had in a game was Dragon Age 2; it took 2 hours. I was fighting a dragon way above my level.
The only other bosses to crack above 1 hour were in Final Fantasy XIII or Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Flynn also added that BioWare is interested in finding out a way to make a co-op campaign work in a future game.
The problem with that is that you usually have to sacrifice story to make co-op work. And since Bioware is known for story, this would be an odd direction to take.
That said, if they truly did find a way to make it work well, that'd be awesome. But if I were them, I'd continue to make great single-player games until someone else figures out how to pull off story-driven co-op games.
I'll reserve judgment on this for now, but I seem to recall them saying playing multiplayer in ME3 was "unnecessary" and it still turned out to be a big factor anyway. I mean it let you virtually double your war assets! That's a big deal. I enjoyed playing the multiplayer, but I didn't like how it impacted your war assets.
I'm hoping that in Andromeda you can either let these missions play out without your input, or drop in if you feel like it. That way, you get the same results (depending on the success of the team you pick), just the one way is more interactive.
@freeryu: Not sure why people accept this kind of thing in video games when there would be hell to pay if you could buy advantages in traditional games, like sports. Can you imagine in baseball if you could pay extra to start the game with one run, or you're allowed four strikes, or you could have an extra outfielder? It's a handicap, but one not based on skill level.
@gruntreaper: lol I get out plenty. I'm not even a big online multiplayer guy. I simply don't like the direction the industry is heading and I'm uncomfortable with gamers' indifference to it.
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