[QUOTE="Yooper_at_heart"]Worst: Navi from OOT
Best: Link or Zelda
I'm playing through OOT for the first time now, I actually kind of like Navi... I don't see why all these people hate her, even her "Hey, listen!" is kind of cute :P
It always starts like that. "Hey, listen!" She gives you a hint and you're thankful for it. Yes, you may even find her voice to be kind of cute. Then it gradually gets worse, she tells you something you already know, but you brush it off. It was only the first time she told you this. Five minutes later, you hear that "cute" voice begging for your attention. She tells you the exact same thing she told earlier. You're a little annoyed but you brush it off. Later in the game you learn a song. "Hey! Have you played the Nocturne of Shadow yet?" You play it, run around the temple a bit, then leave. "Hopefully that will shut her up" you think. You hear that unfortunately familiar voice again. You decide to see what she has to say. "Have you played the Nocturne of Shadow yet?"
When you do beat the dungeon. You're glad to know that you won't be hearing her spoating that damn line again. But she always has something to drive you insane with. By the end of the game your greatest wish is to rip that "cute" little fairies wings off and watch her squirm.
That is why people hate her.
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