This conversation is about game performance, not graphics, not effects, not post, performance...
Also resolution is not performance, it's a dictating factor of performance, but it is not actually a performance figure.
We're done here.
Xbox fanboys descending to the level of the Flat Earth Society. Resolution, fidelity, effects and framerate are performance, and I'm sorry that you cannot handle that the PS4 can output 500,000 more pixels permanently while matching the frame rate of the Xbone and pushing more graphical effects too.
Maybe include a poll next time, you can get destroyed again.
30 FPS cutscenes which are rendered in game vs. 50 FPS cutscenes which are rendered in game. The fact that during gameplay both consoles maintain the same framerate is irrelevant, as a cohesive and full product the Xbox One version has a higher average framerate thus it performs better...
That's a fact, this isn't a debate.
Congratulations, you get slightly higher framerate in two cutscenes for two seconds.
Every other time you have a PERMANENT better resolution on the PS4, PERMANENT better graphical effects on the PS4 and the SAME frame rate in gameplay. Therefore as a cohesive and full product the PS4 version performs better (yes, resolution is performance) than the Shitbox Done version does.
This will end up like BUILD or whatever that crap conference was back in February: they'll spend next to sod all time on Eggsbocks except for five minutes on some garbage feature no one cares about.
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