bigmacsomethin's forum posts
nuff of the flaming just get youz two dudes online in socom and flame each others arses in that !sur3sh0tLol ye I would.Syphon filter would be the best though.That gameis so good.Its so addictive online:)
[QUOTE="bigmacsomethin"][QUOTE="wertyui5467"]Eh dude wait for the psp slim and a normal wireless router works just fine for online. Ye MH is pretty good but it needs more story.LOL Daxter isnt S***!!!!!!:lol:MHF2...
jeanne d'ark as well but get MHF2 first!!
naruto is well...another lame rip off of a F***** anime so don't bother with that...
and FF tactics is a if you don't own the original PS1(X) version...then consider it...but if you own the original ...then don't even bother getting the same game!!
besides jeanne is a way better tactical RPG!!!
...just so you know...I'm getting a PSP...200 F****** dollars... just for MHF2!!!!!!!
it's that good...unfortunatley I have to wait a week...sept when I'm getting my PSP with MHF2 and killzone!!!
also I will NEVER ... NEVER play's total S***!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya lol...but seriouslly MHF2 is awsome!!!!!
oh and if you want to play'll have to buy a wifi MAX...I might get one...
wertyui5467 do know that MHF2 doesn't have infastructure multi...right???
you have to use the wifi MAX and Klink kai!!!
do some F****** reserch before saying that I'm wrong!!
wtf...I said that I'm getting the slim...why else would I be getting it on the 10th???
btw...daxter is S*** I hated the first jak game...second was okay...3rd sucked...and the racing one was a lame spin off...!!!
Easy there nerd boy,point out to me were u said that your gettin a slim.u didnt mention it in your post.
Oh and I no MH has no online I meant online like web browsing, infrastructure but ur just an idiot.
Daxter is good, maybe not for everyone but its a good game to me, its just personal opinion deal with it.
jeez u suck at flaming people:lol:
Eh dude wait for the psp slim and a normal wireless router works just fine for online. Ye MH is pretty good but it needs more story.LOL Daxter isnt S***!!!!!!:lol:MHF2...
jeanne d'ark as well but get MHF2 first!!
naruto is well...another lame rip off of a F***** anime so don't bother with that...
and FF tactics is a if you don't own the original PS1(X) version...then consider it...but if you own the original ...then don't even bother getting the same game!!
besides jeanne is a way better tactical RPG!!!
...just so you know...I'm getting a PSP...200 F****** dollars... just for MHF2!!!!!!!
it's that good...unfortunatley I have to wait a week...sept when I'm getting my PSP with MHF2 and killzone!!!
also I will NEVER ... NEVER play's total S***!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya lol...but seriouslly MHF2 is awsome!!!!!
oh and if you want to play'll have to buy a wifi MAX...I might get one...
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror was hands down the best online game until the hackers ruined it. Wait until either SF:Logans Shadow or Battlefront:Renegade Squadron comes out. For now theres Socom, the second best online game out,to hold us over until then.payforadayI totally agree. Hopefully the online will b perfect this time. I heard their redoin all the maps, and to take advantage of the new water gameplay they decided to flood shantytown and add new areas:D
Ranked cell matches look good as well. I havnt seen the new maps tho
Dark Mirror is so addictive online. I hope they make number 2 as good as this one coz it rocked. At least there wont be any hackers on Logans Shadow for a while. I just cant wait for this game:D[QUOTE="bigmacsomethin"][QUOTE="Slicshade5"]Syphon Filter DARK MIRROR!! To bad its full of hackers nowadays:cry:, but Logan's Shadow is coming out, you should check it out. I SURE AM!!Slicshade5
I hope so. Iam getting it as soon as it releases.:)
I am too but I live in Ireland so it will take a little longer to get over here:(I wouldnt mind mind if they decided to put in english subs and keep the really cool japanese voice acting. That would be awsome:D
Syphon Filter DARK MIRROR!! To bad its full of hackers nowadays:cry:, but Logan's Shadow is coming out, you should check it out. I SURE AM!!Slicshade5Dark Mirror is so addictive online. I hope they make number 2 as good as this one coz it rocked. At least there wont be any hackers on Logans Shadow for a while. I just cant wait for this game:D
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