@XDeath2U90X its not about having anything to hide. It's about people having the right to buy a product that is going inside their personal space (their house) and they have a right for that space to be 100% private.........because God knows that everywhere else is filled with cameras where everyone is now exposed to the world and can be humiliated with adobe software at the drop of a mouse click.
Ms will still tell developers to put kinect stuff in the games as much as possible to try and force people into using it. Eventually the public will get used to it and the Gen afterwards when they force it on everyone......people will be more desensitized to the Kinect being apart of the console. MS may of lost the Kinect battle right now but they have plans to win the war.
I really hope the fanboys of each system realize that all three consoles are needed to keep the companies at each others throats which in turn benefits the consumer because it's only spells good news when companies have to fight for your money.
MP is like 3D in movies these days, throw in as a gimmick with everything without even considering if it's necessary. MP is put in every game just so they can release maps packs to suck as much money out of the community as possible. Instead of taking the time they put into MP and putting it back into SP so we can get some games that aren't only 8-10hrs of story gameplay.
Dammit, here we go yet again, adding multiplayer to a series that doesn't need it. Great SP series ruined by MP (Tomb Raider/Assassin's Creed, GTA, Splinter Cell).......welcome you're newest member, Batman Arkham Origins.
Leave MP where it belongs, with shooters and RTS games.
Whiny immature assholes play CoD.......what, no....really. I don't believe that...not for......blah ahahahahahah.....couldn't get through that with a straight face. ><
billnye69's comments