@kennythomas26 I'd like to see an Alan Wake sequel also. Sadly, I don't think it's going to happen. Or if it does, it's going to be a long time from now.
@MGSKojima Exactly! In theory it sounds great, but look at what happened to Duke Nukem Forever. Not saying that this is going to happen to this game though. At least I certainly hope not.
@FadeToBlack90 Yeah I could see a young kid thinking its large (the 360 controller) but an adult gamer? Eh, maybe I'm wrong. I think it's about perfect size-wise.
@a1450358509 I am not a stupid Xbox lover. I have Uncharted 1 and 2. And I make more than $60 in one day at my job so it's not breaking the bank for a once a year payment. And I got Infamous for free thanks to the "little" PSN outage...
@Iron_aufschlag XBox has poor graphics? Have you seen Gears 3 or The Witcher 2 on an HDTV hooked up with an HDMI cable? Pretty impressive especially for 7 year old tech if you ask me. And $50-$60 a year to play online is not that bad considering how much support Microsoft puts into Live. As they stated Sony needs to avert another hacking crisis for sure. And I'm no Xbox fanboy. I've had PS1 PS2 and PS3...still wish I had my PS2. I liked my Xbox and PS2 equally last gen. But at this point in this gen I much prefer 360...
Glad I read this thread. My PC has almost the exact same specs except it is an Asus with and i3 that is 2.4 and not 3.1. Guess I shall be saving for a new GPU eventually...
Am I the only one that thinks the "fat" PS3 sounds quiet? I don't know anyone with a slim but I have the 160GB version that was bundled with the first Uncharted. It sounds quiet to me whether I'm gaming or watching a movie. My non-slim 360 without the game installed on the HDD, now that's loud...
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