I wasn't dressing like a tramp. I was looking up Harry Potter themed decorating ideas for the future home I'll never own. How about you boys? What's going on?
Correction, the educational process is getting lazy. Students aren't doing homework and their spoiled attitudes and their plethora of portable technology devices ensures that they can completely disregard any education thrown at them. While there are still plenty of smart students, those that fail and think it's the teachers fault are more often than not at fault themselves. So, they go to their parents and complain, then the parents yell at the teacher, and the teacher is put in a **** position where they have to teach a lazy, spoiled brat something that the kid refuses to learn.Setsa
What I think we fail to realize is the workload the teachers have to deal with. In addition to having to grade papers, tests, homework, etc. for a ridiculous amount of students in our overcrowded schools, they have to attend many many more classes, seminars, conferences, etc. than the average high school student just to be able to continue teaching. Most of which they have to pay for themselves with an extremely meger salary. And on top of all that they have mountains of paperwork, lesson plans, and evaluations to complete daily. So crucify me for saying so but its understandable that most teachers are cutting corners these days. What you should be blaming is the federal school board association for requiring so much. Besides most school boards require their teachers to maintain a certain gpa in their classes and when you have those few students who don't try or are just too stupid to handle the workload less work will actually help your stats. Don't blame your teachers. Blame the state/federal government and those few inbreds sitting in the back of your class.DocDelicious
I agree with these two. Of course there ARE lazy teachers, plain and simple. My mother's a teacher (as well as several other family members) so I've been hearing stories forever. Some teachers show up to work, do basically nothing, and make a killing. The system allows it- but it also protects good teachers. And I think the bad teachers are outweighed by the good ones. My mother is a good teacher but for years has been under enormous pressure, unfair treatment, verbal abuse, you name it. The sense of entitlement is unreal among students and their parents and teachers pay the price in the end. They're not just teachers anymore, they're babysitters and parents too, filling in for the attention and care the students don't get at home.
Also, I don't recall any bad teachers from my high school or college days.
So the real problem is that she loves you and wants you to love her back and be sort of romantic, but you're not into any of that? What a 'problem'. Perhaps you should end it with her so you can both be with people who are more compatible to you.
It does have a bad reputation and for good reason much of the time. Lots of scammers and creeps. But they make it interesting. I read our local craigslist all the time to laugh at the gross and creepy personal ads. And I did find a legitimate job off craigslist once so it's not all bad.
Thanks. How about you? How are your workouts/swimming?ExoticAnimal
I haven't done a thing all week. The working out fine, I can get back into. But the swimming holy cow. It takes so much work to go swimming, did you know that? You have to wet your hair first and put conditioner in, then put your swim cap on, dripping wet and freezing in the locker room. Then actually swim. Then get out and hit the showers AGAIN. I just want to be able to hop in and out and go home.
I actually have a pic that I took a few days ago but if you're not going to share, then I wont. I probably won't eat dessert again or at least for the next few years. :P Thanksgiving and Christmas will be tough to avoid. ExoticAnimal
Fine then we'll both suffer. :P You the most though because you're missing out on good food. A tad too strict if you ask me.
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