I have an Amazon wishlist and I've already started adding items to it for Christmas. Not sure what that says about me.
binpink's forum posts
[QUOTE="2ndWonder"]you ate it didn't you :oentropyecho
She never eats.
That would disqualify me from being Italian. I eat constantly. Just not RCs.
YOU are the one who doesn't eat much.
Yea RC disappeared. Odd.
Typically biweekly meetings. For the most part, I am on my own.
Ah. That seems kinda often. Do you wear a labcoat to the meetings?
speaking of kitties, a older lady that lived near us passed away and there was no one there to take care of her cat. :( So I started feeding it and it lives on our front porch now. =P2ndWonder
AH the poor little guy. Homeless animals rip my freaking heart out. How did this cat come to live with you? Are you going to keep it?
Work is a bit dull, yes.
What names did you give your cats again?
Do you regularly have meetings of some kind for work?
Bf named 'his' cat Onyxia (girl cat, she's been around a few years now).
I named 'my' cat Hugo (he's been around about a year).
I am tired and it's only 2 pm.
How is work? Boring day?
My kitty's here and she says hi.
Well I can't say but... the ring has no cultural value to me. It just seems like Valentines Day, part of a money making machine and I don't get it at all. Doing something for someone else is a different matter, I'm sure when I am in a serious relationship I'll be doing a lot of **** where I'm saying "Yes, dear" but in my head I'll be going "What the hell is she on about?"
I mean, the idea of the wedding ring, that the guy has to spend this huge amount on a ring, and get down on one knee and open a ring box after giving a speech at a restaurant... it's just one of those things I think... as a guy (?) just makes no sense to me at all.
I need a girls opinion on it. :P
I don't think it's bad to assign some value to things that on the outside are or seem meaningless. The opportunity to show someone you care and be romantic is in theory a nice opportunity, why waste it? Cuz here's something I've noticed after being in a long term relationship. Sometimes people complain about being forced to do nice things on Valentine's Day for example, and say how they can be romantic any old time. Turns out they AREN'T romantic any old time. Life happens and after dating for a while it's not all 'magic' anymore, it's just normal. Romantic stuff gets put on the back burner and it sucks. So if you have a designated day for romance use it. Unless by some chance you do make romantic occassions out of regular days and your gf doesn't care about those kinds of holidays. Then you'd be a man among men and women would throw themselves at you (that applies to the first half of the previous sentence).
TL;DR- suck it up and be romantic once in a while. :P
Would you prefer to get 'engaged' so to speak just by talking with your gf and agreeing you'd both like to get married? Cuz that definitely happens. An engagement doesn't have to be as painful as you think however the guys that seem to put a lot of thought into making it nice are the guys that genuinely want all that. The romantic kind. *sigh* Yea chicks tend to dig that stuff but maybe you'll find one that really doesn't care what you all do. Oh and I don't think the generic proposal is the most romantic either. You have to come up with something that's reflective of you as a couple. And NO you don't have to spend a fortune on a ring. Run away from a woman who insists you do.
You seem really uninterested in any of that traditional stuff so you probably don't have to worry about this, cuz if you dislike it that much you'll never go through with any of it. Hope that wasn't too long but I suppose that's really the bottom line. If it's not you it's not you. Can't force it.
The whole... physical aspect of it seems odd to me. The ideals behind vowels are what are important to me, not whether or not I have a $$$ (how much do rings cost?) piece of metal on my finger.
So the words and commitment matter but not the ring? Hmm. Well you don't have to do rings. Might be required to for the actual wedding ceremony but after that you don't need them, and if your gf doesn't want an engagement ring you're all set. But time or a relationship might change your mind. Like once someone's madly in love with you and wanting you to wear a ring for her, it might not seem so bad. :P
Cost can be anything so don't get worried about that.
Hey I'm the Debbie Downer around here! =P
I have to say I don't understand jewellery at all and the day I have to buy a ring... man I'm goona be mad! Lol.
Why mad? It doesn't have to be a terrible experience, just keep in mind what your gf wants no matter what.
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