[QUOTE="GamingGod999"] When was this?
Jan 11 2012
Nanea Reeves, chief product officer for Gaikai cloud gaming service believes that one major console manufacturer wont be creating a next generation device. Industry Gamers seem to believe that Reeves has inside knowledge and that perhaps the console manufacturer will instead create a major cloud gaming partnership with Gaikai instead of creating brand new hardware. Any guesses as to which console manufacturer it will be?
"Not all of the current console makers will have one more generation. That will be the big news at E3."
- Old source; it's dated back all the way to January, with speculations of this news being made official at E3 (which didn't happen, BTW).
- It says here that the chief product officer BELIEVESthat either Microsoft or Sony will go down the cloud gaming route.
Sony hasn't confirmed that the next PlayStation system is based on cloud gaming only, nor have Gaikai for that matter. I know they have made stupid decisions in the past, but the failing results of the PSP Go should be a big enough clue that the market isn't ready for this type of console.
This company REALLY can't afford to fvck this up.
I've never seen such crazy denial in my life.The fact that it is old and Sony has now bought Gakai is even further proof that it is true.
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