The fact of the mater is that the Cell wasn't built for gaming, it was first and formost for weather calculations And the PS3 is a little BUGGER when it comes to programing games, that is why multy-plat games like Call of Duty 3 run better on the Xbox 360(60fps) oposed to the PS3(30fps). I'll admint that the Cell is a very powerfull processor, but when it comes to gaming, the Xbox 360's Xeon processor blows it out of the water, mainly becouse it's a hell of a lot easier to program and has more general-purpose cpu power.
The fact of the mater is that the Cell wasn't built for gaming, it was first and formost for weather calculations And the PS3 is a little BUGGER when it comes to programing games, that is why multy-plat games like Call of Duty 3 run better on the Xbox 360(60fps) oposed to the PS3(30fps). I'll admint that the Cell is a very powerfull processor, but when it comes to gaming, the Xbox 360's Xeon processor blows it out of the water, mainly becouse it's a hell of a lot easier to program and has more general-purpose cpu power.
The fact of the mater is that the Cell wasn't built for gaming, it was first and formost for weather calculations And the PS3 is a little BUGGER when it comes to programing games, that is why multy-plat games like Call of Duty 3 run better on the Xbox 360(60fps) oposed to the PS3(30fps). I'll admint that the Cell is a very powerfull processor, but when it comes to gaming, the Xbox 360's Xeon processor blows it out of the water, mainly becouse it's a hell of a lot easier to program and has more general-purpose cpu power.
I just recently bought a 5.1 Creative Sound System but the rear speakers don't work:S I'm not sure whats wrong, could it be becouse of my OS( Vista )??
i was a big fan of the PS2, and WAS going to get a PS3, but then Sony started to **** everything up, so i switch to a X-360, and have never been happier:P
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