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bjhean Blog


I made a change in my pre-ordered games.

I switched Army Of Two for Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
Both seems to be awesome games, and after the latest movie of Army Of Two, maybe I will get that game aswell.
But not before it is out.

Black PS2

I just bought Black for PS2. I got itprettycheap, only 99SEK, it's about 14 bucks. Still wrapped in plastic.

I have played the game before, and I liked it alot. So I just had to have it in my collection.

Also, I have Army Of Two and MGS4 for Playstaion 3 on pre-order.

Internet available again!

My First Blog Entry!!!! WooHoo!

Finally I got my internet connection available again.

I moved to a new apartment two month ago, and with alot of problems with my internet provider they finally was able to give me the connection I have been waiting for.

Well, here I am, and happy to be online again. It's a miracle that I survived that long. ;)

During this period I have bought myself a Playstation 3 console, changed car (one to fit the baby's wheels) and settled in the new apartment.

Yesterday, I also connected my PS3 to the internet for the first time, so now I'm ready for it.


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