@yuvalgman That is the general trend, and unfortunately, Assassin's Creed fits that trend. There are, however, series that go against this trend, where later installments manage to add something better, or add depth to the experience. Maybe it's done by spacing it out, trying to rebuild things completely, improving technology, or bouncing back from an absolutely terrible part2, but it happens. Take Super Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, Final Fantasy and GTA as a few examples. And notice that a series that manages it, is able to build a lasting legacy.
@Ceclor Each of the big 3 have their roots and that seems to show the focus of device they make, with their strengths and weaknesses. Microsoft was an operating system developer and their device seems to focus on how it well runs other developers' software. Sony was a media hardware manufacturer and they seem to focus on the way their device has hardware to show and play developers' media in high fidelity. Nintendo was a playing card company, so they do make their device as if it is a toy, focusing on accessibility, affordability, uniqueness and fun. That approach is the one that least takes developers into consideration.
@TheTNWrestler That's true. Maybe it's not as big an issue now that it has been out a while, but one could definitely see the confusion when the Wii U was initially released: It looked like a Wii with a tablet, it had a name that sounded like the games for the original Wii with the name Wii (something), and they did not advertise it enough to general consumer markets as "(bassdrop) THE NEXT NINTENDO GAME SYSTEM (explosion wubwubwub)." Ask most regular people back in 2012 if they'd be interested in buying one and the response would probably be: "Oh, we already have a Wii in our home" Ask around now, and you'll probably still get some with that response.
@Redsyrup That button placement does make it look a lot less ergonomic though. If they are placed that high in the unit, the bottom half of the system will be resting on the player's wrists, or low enough on the palm, right above the wrist. That pressure in that area can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome type of problems. So it'll be risk eyes with the 3DS vs risk wrists with the 2DS.
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