Disclaimer: i'm talking about when you're just smoking a bong at your safehouse, not the silly weed missions where you fight aliens and clowns and stuff
the introspection, the self-loathing, the negative thought loops, etc. all spot on
I think when you smoke weed with michael he's just negative off the bat, but with franklin he goes through those phases when he thinks he's awesome, the best, and then he realizes he's a terrible person and he's alone and no one likes him..
just like smoking weed in real life
black_chamber99's forum posts
a random thought popped into my head today. every ashley that i've known has been a slooter in some form or another.
I know two ambers and theyre both airheads
and every chad I know of is a rich douchebag
do you think names can influence one's behavior? i've been told my name has been synonymous with mischief :oops: so that doesn't seem too far off
los angeles never gets dark at night
the night sky glows in the night smog..
giving the impression of some demonic carnival
If the game is going to stay in America, then they should at least use a new city next time. I still really like the idea of a game taking place in Mexico. It would be kind of interesting to try to smuggle guns, drugs, and humans across the border and build your own cartel.PurpleMan5000
nah. terrible idea
Nah. It's not like they're using real city names and landmarks. It would be other factors, like R* not spoon-feeding hype to everyone or a woman being the protagonist.
yeah maybe
is that the reason we have yet to see a GTA game outside the US? (GTA london was an expansion pack). to be fair I dont think they would set it in the midwest or the south either so they keep rehashing locations everyone knows (new york, LA)
but do you think a GTA game would sell less if it were set in europe?
when I'm using a shotgun and aiming at a guy's head, I want to blow it clean off, none of this blood-spurt-but-the-head-is-still-intact shit [spoiler] *cough*GTA5*cough* [/spoiler]
it should be in chunks scattered across the floor
I agree that the US is the dick and balls of the americas. dont know what that would make canada though, certainly not the brainCanada>U.S
You are our nut sac, and as you know, any man needs the balls to do the talking for them.
is canada (america's hat) like america but safer and friendlier? also, do canadian girls like american guys?
I might move there
I feel kinda bummed out america is the target once again for euro propaganda and hatespeak. ign's review goes into it fully how GTAV is a mean-spirited critique of america, mocking every facet of its vacuous culture. I feel like its been done too many times. that is, the mirror exposing the hypocrisy in america has been held up one too many times. south park has been doing it for like 20 years, the simpsons even before that. since GTA is developed by europeans, when are they going to look at themselves and their own problems? everyone already knows america is full of "shallow, braindead, f%ked up idiots". america doesn't need to be the target all the time, geez
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