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black_thunder33 Blog


heres a saying i hear often ''when life gives you lemons you make lemonade'' now heres one you prabably wont hear ''when life gives you lemons you put them in the guys eyes wo throu them at you''


got grounded today but finaly he leat me go. oh and my sias got her oun basket-ball net but i can play went i want to!

a recipe for oreo puting suprise

here i will tell you how to make the best tasting cake. ok you ingredients are pudding gummie worms mini oreos and 2 bowls. now brake all the oreos in youre first bowl.then put some in the secound bowl {remember this bowl must be big} so it covers the bottom. then poor the puting in and some gummie worms so it fills up half of the bowl, then put alot of youre oreos in but not all of them. then repete to leve an inch left. now eat it all you want.

and thats how you make oreo puting suprise


its friday!! the best day of the week{not weekends thou cause they rock}! i am going to go crazy.

winter and summer

have you noticed that wenever its cold like winter we wish it was hot like summer and when it is hot like summer we wish it was cold like winter.beceause right now i wish it was colder.
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