Oh what the hell. I'm feeling generous so I'll go ahead drop some knowledge on you.
@blackballs said:
So basically buy an overpriced GPU
Assumption #1 - Ignorance to GPU SKUs and pricing. You lack the understanding of how game settings are configured.
They are overpriced, if you want 4k top 60fps you better say goodbye to your summer vacation.
@blackballs said:
to play multiplatform games
Assumption #2 - Ignorance to the massive game library which exist on PC.
You mean old games, and indies that can be played on mobile devices? Why spend 3k on a GPU then?
@blackballs said:
with a bit better framerate
Assumption #3 - You obviously don't understand the magnitude of the possible difference between console and PC frame rates.
Big deal, I play games. 30 fps to 60fps isn't going to make them unplayable.
@blackballs said:
titles that destroy anything on PC
Assumption #4 - How would you like to define this one? With many stipulations, I'm sure.
Tell me which PC game is better than God of War, Odyssey or Breath of the Wild?
@blackballs said:
Lol, graphic whores are sad people.
Assumption #5 - Another really common dumb cow statement. No matter how many times people tell you they prefer better performance you'll just be stuck on graphics forever. Trained by Sony, I guess.
I'm a cow/sheep fact is both the PS4 and Switch have games that are 10x than PC exlusives.
@blackballs said:
Missing out on truly classic titles.
Assumption #6 - Probably one of the dumbest assumptions you cows make. Most PC gamers have consoles and experience the same games you do, plus a whole lot more. There's no shame in enjoying a console game, only shame comes from being unable to point out its flaws.
Lol, which PC game exclusives this decade are classics?
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