@MoonAchilles Not biased. It's 10 Reasons To Love.... not 10 Reasons You WILL Love.... I also saw no mention of him saying Xbox One's OS is better than PS4, or that PS4s OS is awful... Either way it an opinion.. just like the reviews. You arent forced to agree... Everyones OPINION is biased... thats a given. But saying these are some cool things to love in the Ones OS does not make it biased... You dont have to love them. Simple.
@thanatos39 @shingui5 Sega Dreamcast..... There honestly was NO hacking required... Squeeze a GDrom onto a CD by compressing vids... DC didnt sell so well did it..
Thank God Sony isnt all about stupid TV things like MS.......... ;-) Oh wait.. I forgot. Its ok for Sony to add TV "features" but if MS does it its because MS hates gamers... My bad.
@Dictatroll @Ayebang "racism hate ignorance"... right after you say "being American is the worst thing"... If that's your version of a "civilized world" you are clearly mistaken. Intolerance is apparently the kind of world YOU want...
@bluefox755 How are they forced? Buy a damn PS4.... why is that so hard for people to understand... YOU have a CHOICE... Dont like Kinect, buy a PS4!! Its not like buying an NFL videogame.
@Grayle @blackbeltjones @Riddick123 Read a little as I am tired of explaining what would happen to the Kinect 2.0 if it were an oft bought peripheral instead of a included item....
@wgerardi @blackbeltjones @RicanV If thats the way you see it in your limited mind then dont buy it.... MS has bigger plans that that... Again, like I said... kids... controllers...
blackbeltjones' comments