@tony93666 Oddly I read it as disc drive... Did you read the article? He is stating the physical media drive (ie blu ray drive) is like having a dead body handcuffed to you. There is obviously a NEED for the hard drive for local storage.
@udubdawgz Well the 100% completed list of games before going into achievements. Hopefully one doesnt finish or 100% complete all the initial acheivements and have the game on that list, only to be removed from the list when new achievements are added.
@xeis-net I think the "added" achievements should have no bearing on the 100% or "completed" game list. The only ones that should matter for that list should be the "on disc" or original achievements. The others after the release of the game or added on should just be for gamer score. Thats my opinion though.. we will see.
@david1230 Explain to me how bad something is that hasnt come out yet?? Give me your 100 "reasonable" ways that the Xbox One is bad even though its not even out for five more months... Definition of a fanboy if you ask me. I am getting both, but the blind hatred or love of a company or console is utterly INSANE. If you are getting a PS4 good for you. If someone wants an Xbox One I dont think your wild rants are going to change anyones mind.
blackbeltjones' comments