@jonaadams Yeah no kidding. God forbid anyone tries to come in here to have an intelligent conversation about the new consoles coming. Off to watch cat videos...
@Warlord_Irochi Then know they exist thats why the pep rally that is E3 has become such a joke. One giant advertising market and everyone gets sucked in. The real proof of the pudding is when the consoles and games come out in November...
@SS4_Trunks The hating will never stop until the children grow up and realize that if I want to buy an Xbox One or PS4 there is nothing from the troll-filled forums that will change my mind. I will purchase both and enjoy all the games. I dont care about Sony or Microsoft's bottom line. I just want to play some damn good games. When did all these people lose sight of that? I think they spend more time trying to justify their purchase to other fanboys than actually playing the games...
@racerxgundam You, dear sir, are an uneducated moron.... just to be fair. Your lack of sentence structure obviously shows me you are either uneducated or haven't reached a grade high enough to have English class. Your uncontained use of vulgarity shows me that you not only have no respect for yourself but also your mother. Your uninformed contrived "facts" need to be researched BEFORE spouting your fanboy rhetoric.
@Mech-Gouki Actually gamestop I preordered my Xbox One had 19-19... I think the only idiots worried about this are grossly misinformed by the trolls here...
@Gamernametaken @blackbeltjones @Talavaj Like i said... it plays games, bluray and then does all the stuff the PS3 already does.... WOW!! INVENTIVE, IMAGINATIVE... I AM SOLD.. PS4 RULZ DA WERLD...
@valknight @Mendax2013 @IPwnNooBs666 Guess I can't wait to get my check in the mail then... damn I've been waiting for my check from Microsoft since the Original Xbox... Hell they might even owe me money for touting the Dreamcast, lol
blackbeltjones' comments