Great article. For me the ac series was not in my top tier of games hated ac1 but thought it had potential. Ac2 a huge improvement but didn't care about the story so much. Ac brotherhood awesome. Ac rev. sucked. Ac3 even though it started slow was awesome my favorite in the series. I couldn't stomach another ezio story Conner on the other hand I feel is an excellent character and I hope we get another sub sequel with more Conner and less Desmond its funny even though I liked brotherhood after ac2 I had enough of ezio but I can't wait for more Conner.
I find it interesting the reviewer is not listed "staff" really? Was Tom (war game hating) mcshea. I don't doubt the game is mediocre but does matter who reviewed it IMO because I base my level of interest on the reviewer that match my taste. Reviewed by "staff" what a cop out.
@ndpratas Agreed I'm old school gamespot reader these are the guys I read gamespot loyally for guys like Ryan Davis ,Jeff gertzmann ,Greg kassavin, and all the original gamespot crew this new crew seem like all they care about is Indy games Nintendo and pc and look down on everything else I want to see more of Ryan Davis a true gamers voice IMO
Nothing personal against mcshea he never seems happy unless he's reviewing an indy game him reviewing a sports game I'll look elseware for a review if it was reviewed by Shaun, Chris,max or Kevin then It would matter to me otherwise meh
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