Everybody plans to buy a PS3 when it hits the $400 price tag , and We know Sony will release a $400 40GB PS3 this holiday season , PS3 will crush the 360 as soon as the 40GB PS3 arrives .
Kingdom hearts PS3 game , Team ICO PS3 game , $400 40GB PS3 announcement , 80GB PS3 Price cut announcement , PS2 Price cut announcement , and even more... TGS is all about Sony this year
why would they lower the price of the PS2? It's the second best selling console this year! I highly doubt they lower the price of the console that is actually SELLING. As for the PS3...this generation has to be the absolute worst for gamers, around every corner Sony/MS have screwed over every fan...i just want to buy a console and not feel like i got ripped off in two months, not just two months, EVERY two months... this has to stop.VideoGameGuy
PS2 for 99 is the best deal ever . It will boost PS2 sales
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