most of the money was spent of military equipment, and most of that money when to the USA, Germany and France? you're not making a whole lot of sense here, buddy.
yes, there's a lot of cash leaving your country. why do you think we (other EU countries) have to pay extra money just to get you on lifesupport?
''When games focus on imagination and artistic splendor, they can create places filled with just as many awe-inspiring moments.''
true, but if you actually want to portray those realistically, you'll need that processor power.
art styles are great and can lead to amazing games, but the lack of relatable visuals makes it lack that immersion in the world. it can still create powerful emotions, but you still know you're playing game. fantasy games are amazing, but it has to be displayed in a realistic way (just the way it looks, like it could actually be there) to be able to completely immerse you.
i think Sony could make a good campaign out of the ''problem'' of ''4'' being ''shi'' in japanese (same word for death), i could totally see an add campaign with the motto ''Playstation 4, death to competitors, awesome to gamers''.
that's not a prediction, that's called ''bullsh*t''. predictions are made based on previous information, you're just thinking about what the next step in the line will be. there has to be evidence first.
saying the world will end ou tof the blue without any proof just makes you an idiot.
"We're not saying the use of video games causes people to become murderers, but there's evidence that it causes increases in aggressiveness, fear, anxiety and desensitization about actions of violence," said director of community services Susan Saucier.
i'll just call myself a hedonist. i play any game that i find fun and perform any in-game activity that makes me happy, whether directly (awesome gameplay) or indirectly (planning loadouts and seeing them in action later). i don't have an urge to rush, though i can feel bored by dialogue which doesn't give me the story compactly, but instead used way too much words to tell very little.
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