blaine66's forum posts
If anyone is going to review Shadowrun, it deserves a 6-7 in any guideline... seriously...
But what you should note, is that most reviews get so technical they miss out on the main purpose of a
Shadowrun showed just that, while it's barebone, half-finished game, it's a blast online.
Well said. Its not that its not a fun game, its an amazingly fun game. Its that there are lots of problems with it. Not problems that screw up the game (i.e. host problems in Gears), but problems that could have easily been taken care of, like the ladder animation (even though it does take me back to Goldeneye), and the minimal content. The guns and magic are great, but the tech needs a little more work, and we need more maps.
[QUOTE="FUBAR24"]oh boo fricken hoo...mommy wont let me play M rated games.....let me tell ya kid you aint missin much.JakattaaaaaaakIf this guy is referring to halo he is a dumbass, halo 2 is the best mutliplayer experience you will have on xbl.
Not even close. Go play Shadowrun.
You really are not missing much, I suggest just growing up. If you would be an adult about it, your parents could very well help you out.
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"]Yup. For some reason I loved the demo but didn't like the full version. :SLost Planet
Same here, but regretting it is not how I would put it.
For me, it would be Saints Row. The online experience was laggy as hell, and tons of wana-be gangsters. Pro tip: If you live in your parent's basement, YOU'RE NOT A GANGSTER.
Hey folks,
As we've mentioned before, the team's working on a number of title updates for Shadowrun. The first one should go live within the next day or two.
The first update will be very limited in scope. Here's what's on the menu:
1) Addressed a problem with viewing Shadowrun in the Games Explorer on the Vista versions for Portugal and Finland.
2) Fixed an issue involving removing the controller while playing on Vista.
3) If you lose your connection to LIVE while playing on Vista, the UI behaves correctly now.
1) Fixed a hard lock that can occur when a player signs out of a profile on 360.
2) Fixed a hard lock that can occur after starting a bot match in Chapter 4 of the training.
3) Fixed an issue that affected voice-over in the Italian 360 version.
- Fixed a small memory leak that could affect performance and stability in some situations.
However, as for the glitch, I'm having the same problem...
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