Everyone i think hit depression at some point. Whether its loss of family or loved ones, or social disconnection, or just plain loss of self convidence. many more possibilities. I know almost everyoone just has to meet the right person to help. I've spent many hours gaming on my PC, just pissed off at life and the choices coming up. I have so many people trying to give me advice about college and life and my job, I just became so stressed out i just gave up ON ALL OF IT. I spent the only free hours of my days playing anything from oblivion to cod to coh (of late), buying a new game but not playing it, just to get away from everyone. I ended up playing age of empires when my buddies would be asking me to come get drunk and hang, but no i'd sit and play my game say i'd catch up. With so many dicisions to make and so many people asking what was up i didnt know what to say. I was accepted into Geographical Sciences (2 year course with option to go into advanced degree) and could then branch into whatever i thought most interested. I stayed at my job spent less time with friends. Continued this way. Then I dropped from the course i was accepted before it even began. Now at my shitty Call Centre job with nothing else, i applied to plumbing and was again accepted. With trouble with family and my GF I decide after a long conversation with a good friend and some beers i decided to get back up.
there is more out there. just walk to your nearest convenience store and you might walk into someone new who can change everything. just being a nice person with bring people towards you! im no stud or guru but i do know that karma does exist to a certain degree
@Tiwill44 @blairstheman @ThereWillBeNPCs is the banner the pic that is displayed? i think about it and that seems to be the obvious answer but i really dont know haha. if that is the case, well that chick with red dyed hair is nice to look at!
@arc_salvo @Derpalon i do agree with you, but on the other hand i also disagree in a small way. By the ending point in the game (Original Bioshock) i had hardley utilized the crossbow at ALL, nor had i played with a few plasmids. I understand you cant really in full use all plasmids, but i still wanted to mess around with a couple i hadnt really used.
Tickle the leprechan and it will shit out gold people, apples and oranges, apples and oranges. Can't fly a kite without a string people, but the string cannot fly without a kite, lemons and peaches people, lemons and peaches. That tower looks taller when the midget stands by it, COMMON PEOPLE! Couldn't eat that chocolate but you licked the salty cracker? NO you cannot rule the world without a world to rule, and without a ruler to measure its worth. Apples and lemons people, APPLES AND LEMONS!!!!!
@mocmonster Gameplay gameplay GAMEPLAY. I do own a nice PC, but i purchased dishonored for my ps3 just for comfort of my living room, and it was GREAT. Love the atmosphere he city was fun to explore, the charactor models were different but fit perfectly. The game had some nice "lore" as well. After playing through the game on my ps3 i find really no complaints, it was a fun experience and the graphics hurt it NONE. hmm i sometimes fail to realize not everyone shares my opinion. I will now end this comment. *clicks psot*
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