blazblue152's forum posts
In the villian vote thing, Hitler (well, Master-D) lost to Bowser!?!?!? Typical rabid fanboy BS. As one person said on the comments article...
Hilter wins, Bowser FAILED to kill one Italian plumber. Hilter pwned ten million minorites.
I thought you liked how the contest was going :lol:
Happy birthday PlayStation! I happily have all the PS consoles. What a great journey :D
PS: Sony posted a tribute on their Youtube channel
[QUOTE="blazblue152"][QUOTE="DPumbliQ"][QUOTE="blazblue152"][QUOTE="Bruneauinfo"]Sephiroth lost some of his villain creds after Crisis Core. his story became more a tragedy than one of villainy
And general Raam desrve the spot then? Hell no!
Don't worry, /b/tards rigged the poll.
Like they did with Master Chief in the hero competition.
I don't see the lulz in making Raam win though, I could see it in Bub&Bob... but not here.
How trolls find this funny is beyond me :|
It gets rid of the candidates which have large and rabid cult followings, so that you dont have the sorta "Mario or Link" syndrome happing every frakking time. So I am glade this has happened, both those dudes are overrated anyway.
I'd vote for Master-D, personally. ;)
Good point. Once again I can see why you're the leader :P
[QUOTE="blazblue152"][QUOTE="Bruneauinfo"]if it's against the teachings of some religion or philosophy then it's probably true. teachings and philosophies are ideals which mean they are never lived up to - or only on very, very rare occassions.
I thought Japanese samurais honored their Bushido teachings, like committing suicide before being captured, doing suicide attacks like kamikaze and what not. I don't know much, but I would safely say they were hardcore in their ways.
They were like any other Aristocratic anywhere for the most part. Battles were first and foremost attempts by a clan leader to expand or preserve his political power. Also, in battle the vast majority of troops on either side were peasant conscripts, slaves basically, who also did the vast majority of dying during battle. Fights between the nobility may have some degree of choreography to them, but there were no rules when it came to noble verses peasant combat, or peasant verses peasant combat.
If that's what the sengoku period was really like, then I am very sad :(
[QUOTE="JeffSteel"][QUOTE="harden007"]M:TW II wasn't fixed by the end of its development cycle! Princesses didn't spawn, and shields reduced defensive values instead of adding to them, and those are just some of the many problems discovered by the initial buyers (which SEGA views as unpaid beta-testers).harden007
I went out on a limb and included the Kingdoms expansion, but yeah those bugs might actually still be there for all I remember.
That kinda crazy crap never happned before SEGA ruined everything.
Agreed. SEGA prevented the possibility of females being born, thus both saving and screwing all of mankind.
I srsly lol'd
[QUOTE="blazblue152"][QUOTE="Bruneauinfo"]Sephiroth lost some of his villain creds after Crisis Core. his story became more a tragedy than one of villainy
And general Raam desrve the spot then? Hell no!
Don't worry, /b/tards rigged the poll.
Like they did with Master Chief in the hero competition.
I don't see the lulz in making Raam win though, I could see it in Bub&Bob... but not here.
How trolls find this funny is beyond me :|
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