yeah in a way they are forcing u to buy it if u look at it my way because with me i start seeing things released for it and i think to myself that i canrt do that with my ds and stuff like that and in my mind i just have to have the latest stuff idk y but wutevr. every company does this but nintendo does it most. and the camera and sd slot seems like a really good idea to me but not a lot of new features mp3 is pretty awesome though. also agree that nintendo needs to make more violent games etc. they might do a little better if they make some more not so kiddy games.ACL0V3R
actually i think it's just the opposite. in my life i have only owned a GBC, GBA, NDS, and NDSL (handhelds). the only reason i had to buy the lite was because my NDS's top screen cracked inside. i was able to skip the GB, GBP, GBSP, and GBM and nintendo had no problems with it. i was right satisfied as well :)
most people these days have mp3 players already that don't use SD cards, and the camera is only 3mp, so i doubt anyone will buy it for those features. look at the PSP, the SD cards are far too expensive to get anything worth putting your music on. not to mention pictures, save games, movies, and sometimes .iso files
as far as your last two sentences, that's another argument, but i will counter it with: if nintendo didn't make the non-violent games someone else would, and I'll bet they would get the same complaints. it's futile, nintendo doesn't do violence, get over it.
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