I think they'll continue to allow people to download games, stream, and stuff like that for quite some time, but the online play servers will drop anywhere between 2019-2021.
BlazingpanzerIV's forum posts
Star wars battlefront III
Teraway unfolded
Strike suit zero directors cut
Sword art online hollow fragment
Sword art online lost song
Fallout 4
I don't really much ps4 games for my system yet
Mostly I tend to play casually, though I try to play seriously when I do play a game. However
When it comes to a game like war thunder, I do not like leaving the fight without at least making a few kills, so in that aspect, I guess I'm still serious but casual. I don't really care if I don't make the top of the team, but I do want to leave my all on the field of battle. Yes, a top three, or even first place feels great, but to me it isn't the end of the world when it doesn't happen.
If the Nintendo steam service was compatible with my computer hardware and system, then I think that might be good. As for using it on the Nintendo consoles, when isn't that what the E-shop is sorta like?
I think the best thing for Nintendo to do is to rebuild many of the core Nintendo exclusives of the past from the NES to the Wii U, and offer them as a downloadable game. Not so much as a remix or remake, if you will, but deign the game to work with the hardware, controller, and HD output kind of stuff.
I might get it, there is more of a possibility of me getting this than the NX, but it's still a maybe for me.
A lot of it was for the rpg games like Sword art online and Digimon story, but there where some other influences. I'm having a blast with the PS4, so no, I don't regret it.
I did, but every since I replaced my old xbox 360, (Which needed to be done for three years now,) I've been playing through my old favorites, and with me trying to complete fallout 4 and Pok'emon diamond, I haven't had much time to do much else. I'll combe back to the PS3 soon, though, I'm sure of it,
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