@mr_huggles_dog: No.
BldgIrsh's forum posts
I still play it... It's the worst game ever. But there hasn't been any other game on the ps4 that would take my time away from destiny.
@ten_pints: The problems people are receiving on PC is frame drops to mid 30's with AMD specs. The console version is capped at 30. So... The pc version is still a preferable choice heh.
But, at the moment the pc port isn't the greatest and yet again we will have to wait for patches to fix it.
Looks fun. The story is decent. Dunno about the price tag.
@soapandbubbles: LOL "in your opinion"??? Whether or not a game dips is a fact not an opinion. Also, BOTH consoles will have crisp 1080p so frame rate wont affect clarity. Also both are LOCKED at 30fps, LOCKED... Stop being a pansy fanboy... Also maybe you should do a little home work and look at some of the games that came out the past few months, many actually performed better on Xb1 simply because of dynamic resolution(which is the way to go if you ask me) on xbox one..
Get out.
Hey guys, he's trying to start a topic. But, it seems like he is not willing to read the rules, so I say we shouldn't participate!
You need 500 posts to make a thread in System Wars.
The PS4 is not the equivalent of a 7870....
@Crypt_mx: Your last sentence is a bit out dated. With the amount of updates you have to install on a game, and the necessity to pay for online adds a level of concern needed to game on consoles.
Meh updates install themselves and everyone knows you need to pay so you can just grab that in the store or when you get home. The maintenance level of PC's is still higher than a console, but not as much so as it used to be as PC's simplify and consoles grow more complex though. PC's just require more steps that's all, there's more to it then just plugging it in.
I do agree that the PC does require more tech knowledge. Albeit, not as much more. But, "plug and play" wouldn't be the proper term used for console anymore, since updates do prevent someone from wanting to game right when it comes out, and if they wish to opt out of updates then they'll be left with a abysmal looking games, like The Evil Within without the day 1 patch. I don't agree with the mentality of just paying for online as its nothing to worry about, just going with the flow with what sony/xbox requires allows them to do more subscription based nuisance, like PSNow or EA Access.
It is quite a bit more knowledge, what seems like nothing for you or I is a lot more complicated to your average consumer. I disagree, consoles are plug in and play. Buy console, plug in, press a to install update, play, when prompted, enter a payment method for gold to use MP. It is a super simple process that anybody can do. PC's just have more tinkering steps, build gaming PC, turn it on, install os, download drivers, install steam, install game, tinker with graphics settings, etc. The process is pretty lengthy and there's a lot more things that need to be done, even if you waste money and buy a PC.
I do not mind the subscription, I've been paying for gold since the Original Xbox and it's been worth every penny. It's a great service imo, and it's really not all expensive.
Though I do value your opinion. There is some ambiguity in those highlighted statements. Somewhat using your opinion on what is wasteful and what is worth every penny. But, we just simply share different values on systems, hence why this is System Wars heh.
@Crypt_mx: Your last sentence is a bit out dated. With the amount of updates you have to install on a game, and the necessity to pay for online adds a level of concern needed to game on consoles.
Meh updates install themselves and everyone knows you need to pay so you can just grab that in the store or when you get home. The maintenance level of PC's is still higher than a console, but not as much so as it used to be as PC's simplify and consoles grow more complex though. PC's just require more steps that's all, there's more to it then just plugging it in.
I do agree that the PC does require more tech knowledge. Albeit, not as much more. But, "plug and play" wouldn't be the proper term used for console anymore, since updates do prevent someone from wanting to game right when it comes out, and if they wish to opt out of updates then they'll be left with a abysmal looking games, like The Evil Within without the day 1 patch. I don't agree with the mentality of just paying for online as its nothing to worry about, just going with the flow with what sony/xbox requires allows them to do more subscription based nuisance, like PSNow or EA Access.
@Crypt_mx: Your last sentence is a bit out dated. With the amount of updates you have to install on a game, and the necessity to pay for online adds a level of concern needed to game on consoles.
This comes out tomorrow. What, swear it was a couple of weeks out. I am saying it'll be a 7.
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