I can see it being a hit on the consoles sadly...
BldgIrsh's forum posts
Didn't even know there was such a thread...
SystemWars King: Stevo_The_King
Manticore of the Year: Wasdie
Gabe (PC) of the Year: Clyde46
Reggie (Nintendo) of the Year: Charizard1605
Kaz (Sony) of the Year: Tormentos
Spencer (Microsoft) of the Year: B4X
Ruffler of Feathers: scottspfan14
Best User Theme: Freedomfreak
Best Thread Creator: gpuking (Civil Discussion)
Classiest User: SolidTY
Most Active Poster: Lostrib
Smartest User: Lostrib
Funniest User: CrowKingArthur
Flop of the Year: Destiny
System of the Year: PC
@SolidTy: Yeah, Im sorry. You edited your post after I made mine. I guess I should have expected that.
Although anti consumer is a laughable way to describe it. Its what allows steam to sell its games at the prices it does. This is hugely beneficial for anyone that cares about their wallet. Also, please remove collecting from that list. Just because my steam library isnt physical doesnt mean its not a collection. Okay, a friend cant borrow a game, but I can gift them a copy when its (whats less than dirt?) cheap. Or buy a pack of keys at marked discount.
So console games go on sale. Thats not at all comparable to what you find on steam. This weekend alone I can get the Saints Row Collection for barely $10. I have never seen something like that on consoles outside of HD collections. Not to mention all saints row games are f2p this weekend along with Beyond Earth.
Steam family share fixes that.
Source: Share games with friends.
2016~ for the PS4
Couple of months for the Xbone.
Hi my name is bldgirsh, and I am a steamaholic. It all started when I first got shown the light of GabeN, it was glorious. The games, the community, and the sales were all beyond my wildest dreams for gaming. Until one faithful day during summer, the Steam storefront changed, and in big bold letters were the vile words "Steam Summer Sale 2012". I was confused by it, thinking the sales were glorious as they were, but heck was I wrong. My wallet was ransacked and my hard drive was filling up. I have no more control anymore, so that's why i'm hear with you guys. I hope this focus group will rid me of my addiction.
Destiny's "expansion" for 20$.
All credibility was loss when the OP used Amazon for prices...
As a proud PS4 owner, I must say that this game will finally demonstrate the sheer power of the PS4.
As a PC gamer, I will say that The Order is c-tier trash.
@biggest_loser: That's not the problem. The problem is SJW's believe if they wanted to, they can easily change something that affects a gaming culture.
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