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blindclown2000 Blog

Red Rings and Stations of Play

So. Yeah.

Almost a week ago, my Xbox 360 died with the ill fated Three Red Rings of Death. It wasn't until today that I called Microsoft to send it off for repair, but their systems were down, so I've got to try again sometime this weekend.

But there was a light at the end of the tunnel, a big black shiny one. The morning after my Xbox 360 died, my wife told me that she had gotten me a PS3 for Christmas. After a couple of days, I talked her into letting me having it early. So for the past few days, I've been messing around with that thing.

I've got to say that it's a really great piece of machinary. And the ability to finally be able to play Blu-Ray is great. So far I've only got one game tho, Saints Row 2. Which I've had tons of fun playing, although in short bursts. I really like the layout of the PS3's interface and how I can easily upload photos and videos from a jumpdrive straight to the PS3's hard drive. I also like the idea that game saves aren't bound to a specific gamer profile, so if the need arises (which it has) I can download someone elses game save.

Okay, so, I've got Saints Row 2. It's really fun and great. Some of the missions are kind of annoying, especially if the game glitches on you. And the helicopters and the UFO are kind of hard to drive (for me anyhow). But I defiantly like the car steering better in SR2 than in GTA4. I just did NOT like GTA4's driving. Plus SR2 doesn't really take itself so seriously, it's almost like playing some kind of gangster cartoon. A cartoon with guns, big explosions, pimps, ho's, and the ability to run over people walking down a sidewalk.

I've ordered two more games for it, and they are Conan and Ratchet and Clank Future. With Conan, I'll be able to download someone elses save game file from the net and play from the get go with the cheats enabled. Good bloody fun with the occasional set of boobs thrown in. Yay.

Ratchet and Clank seems to be one of the better looking games I've seen, and from playing the demo, it just seems like a big action movie or something. I know a lot of people compare the graphics to being that of a Pixar movie, and I must agree. I can't wait to play it.

And as far as games that I want to get, I guess the big one is Little Big Planet. Although I'm a little iffy on that. I just don't know if it's something I'll enjoy. I wish they would come out with a demo or something so I could see it firsthand. It just looks a little too...adorable. I don't know. I do like the idea of dressing up my sackboy and maybe even dipping my hands into creating levels (although I'm sure I won't be any good at it).

I was halfway tempted to try and cancel my order of Ratchet and Clank and order LBP instead, but I really can't make up my mind. I think it would be best to just stick with what I've got.

To sum up the past couple of months, Star Wars: TFU was completely awesome, Fallout 3 is just bloody great fun, and Lego Batman was actually pretty decent and fun (even tho I got stumped on some of the puzzles).

That's about it for now.

Let The Season Begin

Yeah, it's that time of the year again. As it gets closer to Christmas, it comes time for the floodgates of video games to be opened and all these great games come pouring out into the hungry hands of the masses. Lovely, isn't it?

I've got this big list of games that I'm looking forward to, but I don't think I'll be getting ALL of them, if even half of them. I dunno, time will tell. For one, money is kind of tight this year, so I just can't go out and blow a bunch of money on games.

But some of the main games I'm really looking forward to is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Lego Batman, Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, Fable 2, among others.

I was REALLY looking forward to that new Ghostbusters game, because I used to love the Ghostbusters as a kid. But now I hear that since the game has lost it's publisher, the the game might indeed be cancelled. I've heard people saying that Gamestop cancelled their preorders, and you can no longer find the Ghostbusters game on Sucks.

I got to play The Force Unleashed demo, and I've played it about 15 times by now. It's really short, but damn it's fun. If the whole game is anything like the demo, this could very well end up being one of my favorite games of the year, and possibly my favorite Star Wars game (right now my favorite Star Wars game is Jedi Academy).

I love Batman, so I'm looking forward to Lego Batman. To be honest, I kind of don't like the whole Lego thing, I wish they would have made a different kind of Batman game, but if this is all their going to throw us right now, then I'll take it. Besides, the environments look really nice and dark and semi-gothic. Playing as the Joker should be fun too. I also really like how their throwing in the score from the first Batman movie. I'm not a big fan of puzzles tho, but it's a kid's game that even adults can enjoy, so I doubt the puzzles will be brain teasingly hard.

Oblivion is one of my favorite games of all time, so Fallout 3 is looking promising. The only other Fallout game I've ever played was that Brotherhood game on the PS2, which played like a Diablo clone. The graphics in Fallout 3 look really good and actually look bloody with some good gore effects mixed in. So I'm really looking forward to this. I know I hear a lot of people putting down Fallout 3, because they feel like Bethseda isn't doing a good enough job, but since I never played Fallout or Fallout 2, I have nothing to judge Fallout 3 by, which in this case, may be a good thing.

So September is going to be kind of busy, with SW:TFU coming out in a couple of weeks, and then a week later Lego Batman. Then in October I've got Fable 2 and then a week later Fallout 3.

That's enough boredom for now. Until next time.

Unleash The Force

Hello again one and all. Or should I just say None?

So I haven't really written in this thing in a while. Bleh.

I bought Too Human last week and I beat it the other night. I must say that I very much liked it, even tho most of everyone I see doesn't like it. I had a lot of fun with it, which is all that matters. I really liked how they infused the Norse Mythology into a sci-fi type setting. Very nice.

Now I'm really looking forward to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. That should be fun. I'm waiting for the demo to be released for Silver members on Xbox Live Marketplace. I really can't wait to give it a try.

I'm also really looking forward to Lego Batman. I own Lego Star Wars on the Wii, but I don't really play it that much. But this Batman game looks to be pretty fun. I love how the environments look to be kind of dark, like the old Tim Burton movies. I've also heard that they're putting in the music from the Burton movies too.

I'm just digging Batman right now, bought some comics, saw The Dark Knight the other week, so I'm really looking for a good Batman game. The only one that I actually own is Batman Returns on the SNES.

Blah blah blah. Not much more to write right now. So later it is.

Mindless Updatem

So, I've gotten back into an Oblivion run. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is one of my favorite if not my most favorite game of all time. What keeps me coming back to the game and playing it again and again is not just the fun and addicting gameplay or the gorgeous graphics, but the simple fact that you can find a buttload of mods out there to keep the game feeling new and fresh. I've probably got over a hundred mods running on Oblivion right now.

I recently changed my character to a Dremora with some wicked tattoos, and I'm calling him Hellboy. And to add onto the Hellboy effect, I downloaded a mod where you can wear Hellboy's Hand of Doom (his big stone hand). Plus I've got another mod that allows you to wear a brown trench coat, so really the only thing I need now is someone to give Dremora's a tail and find a mod that has cut off horns.

Speaking of Hellboy, I'm looking forward to the new Hellboy game, Science of Evil. I love the Hellboy movies (the first film and the animated ones) and I love the comics, so needless to say I'm a Hellboy fan. And this game looks like a mindless beat em up, which I'm also a fan of. So I'll probably be picking that game up when it comes out in what is it, a month from now?

In other gaming mindless news, I've also been playing the new Grand Theft Auto 4. I didn't rush out to go buy it when it first came out, I actually bought it a week ago. And I've been having fun playing. Occasionally I'll get frustrated with a mission, but after a few tries I usually get it. Plus I love the fact that they took the Saints Row thing and added in the GPS so now you know where your going. The graphics are great, the gameplay is addicting, and it's funny as hell. Plus, can you really hate a game that lets you have sex with hookers in a car and go to strip clubs and get lap dances?

Also, I've been playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance again. That's one of my favorite 360 games and the other day I started a new game. I started using Dr. Doom this time, which I've never done before. Dr. Doom has actually got some pretty cool powers to play around with so I've enjoyed playing as the biggest bad guy in the game. Also on my team right now is Iron Man, The Hulk, and Wolverine.

Other than that Hellboy game, I don't think there are too many other games I'm all that interested in getting. Well, I saw their porting a Death JR game to the Wii, so maybe that will be all right. I loved the first Death JR game when I had a PSP.

Recently I also bought Assassins Creed for the PC to replace my 360 one. Why you ask? Cheats. Hey I already beat Assassins Creed on the 360, so now I want to play around and have some real fun with it. Unfortunetely, I haven't been playing it that much. Oblivion and GTA are to blame.

Well that's about all for now. I'm sure I'll write again in another month or so. Farewell for now, Urthlings...

We're Going OLD School, Y'all

Well well well, lookie what we have here.

As an early birthday gift to my wife, I bought her (and me too) an original NES system and some games. We got Zelda II, Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt, Super Mario Bros. 3, Battletoads, Batman, and Double Dragon. Yup, I got some clasics.

And we got so worked up in the excitement of owning an NES that we decided to take the next step and get a SNES. It hasn't come in yet, but it should in the next couple of days.

For games on the SNES, we ordered Spawn, Batman Returns, Final Fight, Zelda a Link to the Past, Bubsy, and The Tick. We also got some more NES games which were: The Punisher, Dr. Mario, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3, and 1942.

A lot of these games I'm pretty excited about playing, but mainly Spawn, The Tick, Batman Returns, and TMNT 3. Those were my top choices of games.

I'm a big Spawn fan, and when I saw that they had made a Spawn game for the SNES, well, that was mainly the reason why I wanted one. I looked up some vids on YouTube of gameplay, and it actually looks really good and fun. Hell, I might end up liking this Spawn game a lot more than I did Spawn: Armageddon for the PS2.

The Tick looked fun, and I remember really loving the cartoon show that used to air on FOX back in the day. I also looked up some vids on YouTube, and it looks like the type of game I would love to play. It plays just like Double Dragon/Final Fight and you beat up a bunch of Ninjas.

Batman Returns, just like The Tick, is a side scrolling beat em up just like Final Fight. It follows the story of the movie, which I love. I'm also a big Batman fan, and with the new movie coming out soon, I thought it would be good to have when "Batfever" hits. And the graphics looked really good to be such an old game.

TMNT 3 is actually a NES game staring everyone's favorite 4 mutant turtles. It plays like an old school arcade side scolling beat em up, much like the other TMNT arcade games. I have the first arcade game downloaded onto my 360, and it's really fun. So I think I'll really like it.

Some other games for the SNES that I'm interested in, after I play the ones I have now to death, are Aliens VS Predator, Spiderman and Venom: Maxium Carnage, and the Death and Return of Superman.

So, it looks like in the coming weeks I'll have some good ol' ****c Nintendo gaming lined up. I've got two "new" systems and a bunch of games to run through. And the funny thing is, I think there are more games on the clasic NES and SNES that I actually like than there are on the Wii. How F'ed up is that?

Until Next Time, Urthlings.

Jesus Loves You


So I hardly ever write in this blog. It's only rare do I get in the mood to devote an entire blog entry to gaming, and since I don't wont to cloud my other blogs with this stuff, I come here. Amazing isn't it?

Okay, so, I bought a new PS2 game the other day. It's called Odin Sphere. It's a fantasy side scroller hack n slash type game, and I must say, it's quite fun. The graphics are really good to be a PS2 game, even if they are just 2D. But the artwork has a very fairy tale type feel to them, which is great to me. You play as 5 different characters, each with their own unique perspective on the same story. I've already beaten the first character and I'll probably start on the second very soon.

Also, the other day I started a new game of Gears of War on the PC. So that's been fun.

I've also got a game of The Witcher going on the PC, which I haven't played in about a week or so. I need to get back on that. Maybe even get around to watching The Hexer (polish movie based off of the Witcher books) again.

Last night I even played a little bit of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I made a character who, to me, looks like Homer from The Simpsons. His race is a Golden Saint since they have yellow skin, and I made him bald with hair going around the back of his head. I even tried my best to make the area around his mouth darker like a beard. Sure, it's not perfect, but in my mind, it works. And that's all that matters. He's currently in The Shivering Isles helping the Daedric Lord Sheogorath.

As for wanting games....lets see, what am I wanting next.... I want Assassins Creed for the PC simply because I'll be able to use a trainer and cheat at it. I loved it on the 360.

Also, I want the first Spiderman game (based off the first movie) for the PS2. I'm not sure why exactly, cept that I'm just in the mood for a Spiderman game and I never played that one. I used to have Spiderman 2 for the PS2 but I traded it in, and I kinda wish I hadn't. But I also own Spiderman 3 for the PC, which is a fun game.

I'm also looking into an old PS2 game called Dragon Rage. You play as a dragon, of course, and you fly around destroying and eating orks and you get to eat cows. Woohooo!

There are a few other games on my wishlist. And thankfully, now and have the option for you to make a wishlist through them, so that's good. Now maybe my wishlist will get smaller.

Well that's about all for now. Until next time, humans...


So yeah, I'm back and with nothing great to say, again! YAY! Anywho, to recap a bit. The Simpsons: Hit and Run is a great game and really fun. The Family Guy game has it's fun moments but for every fun moment, there's an equally frustrating moment. So eh.

I have been playing Gear of War on the PC again, along with Postal 2. I took some vids using FRAPS, and made a longer video that has the clips I took along with some music playing.

I'm just...I dunno, from time to time, or rather, almost every day, I get into these really all around nasty BLAH moods, where I have no interest in anything or to do anything. I think it might be because of my meds, so the next time I see my doc I'm going to bring it up with him. But it's like, I want to play a game, I want to get addicted again, but I just can't. I have no willpower to do so. Which really sucks. Just imagine your most favorite hobby to do, but then one day you just wake up and for no apparent reason, you have no interest in doing that hobby anymore.

I guess I could go back to playing Gears of War, but I've beaten it several times now. And I'm getting kind of bored with Postal 2, I mean, you can only go so far with killing random people or shooting them with exploding ricochet cats.

When it comes down to it, I wish I could find a better hobby, like reading or something, but I just can't escape the black hole that is video games. Bleh. So I'm just sort of stuck, caught in the middle of nothing and nowhere.

Until next time I decide to write.

No Topic Needed

Blah Blah Blah...

I can't seem to get video games out of my head. I've got that Simpsons game, Hit and Run coming in the mail tomorrow, plus I'm going to town tomorrow on the hunt for the Family Guy game. Then tonight, being bored like I always am late at night and with nothing to do but window shop, I've been looking at some other games.

Since there is a new batman movie coming out and I've been watching the previews to it lately, I wanted to get a good batman game. I looked at several and the one that really caught my attention was Batman: The Rise of Sin Tzu. The reason why that one stuck out is because it's a beat'em up, which I'm really wanting to play right now. The other Batman game that I've actually been wanting for a while now but have never gotten around to getting is Batman Begins. I've rented that game a couple of times and quite enjoyed it both times.

I'm also semi interested in the Aqua Teen Hunger Force game, even though it's gotten terrible reviews. I really wish they would make a Metalocalypse video game. That would totally kick arse. But for now I'll just have to keep watching the season 1 DVD and listening to the Dethalbum.

Let's see what else am I interested in. Well, I was interested in Viewtiful Joe since it's a side scrolling beat em up. I'm also interested in Endless Ocean for the Wii. Really, there were several games I looked up, but none of them really struck me as anything great.

And there in lies part of the problem. My mood changes so much that I can never focus on just one game for too long. I'm like completel bi-polar when it comes to video games. And really, that just sucks.

I remember back in the day when I would get hooked on a game and just play it for hours on end and once I beat it, just play through it and beat it again. I just can't seem to do that anymore. I can't stay mentally focused on any one thing for too long.

Well, that's all for now.

Yellow Skinned People

Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah....

So a couple of weeks ago I bought The Simpsons Game and Futurama for the PS2. I was in the mood for some funny games. Unfortunately, although from what I played the games are funny, the gameplay just sucks on both of them. They both have bad camera angles and crappy platforming elements.

I did however order The Simpsons: Hit and Run for the PS2 and it should be getting here sometime this week. From what I read, it's supposed to be a really good Simpsons game. It's supposed to be The Simpsons meet Grand Theft Auto. I'm really looking forward to this game.

Also today, I rented the Family Guy video game for the old Xbox, and although it's got some rather frustrating moments, it is rather fun. I really like the Stewie and Peter levels, but the Brian levels are a bit too frustrating. But so far I've been able to figure everything out and get through everything with only some minor cussing involved.

I didn't play much of Alien Hominid because the damn codebreaker code for Infinte Lives doesn't work, so that's shot to hell. I've only touched Leisure Suite Larry one time when I first got it and that was just to see how it looked in HD. And it actually looks good.

Well, I'm getting tired. Time to end this here.

Away From Grace

So yeah. Back again. Boomshakalaka.

Okay so the HDTV turned out to be pretty good. I really like it. The wii and Xbox 360 look fantastic on it. I've got cable hooked up to it so now I can watch or just listen to the tv when I'm on the computer surfing the net or whatever else. It's a really cool TV.

I ordered some 2 new PS2 games. I ordered Leisure Suit Larry, because I feel like being a pervert this week, and I just ordered Alien Hominid for the PS2 too. I played a little bit of AH on the 360's arcade, and it was pretty fun, although really hard. So getting it on the PS2 I'll be able to use the codebreaker. But the bloody side scrolling action seems like a ton of fun. And you play as an Alien. I love games with aliens in them.

Speaking of the PS2, I ordered some Monster brand Component cables to move the PS2 into HD. I'm not quite sure how that is going to look, but we'll see. I also had to order a Component system selector so that I could have all 3 systems hooked up to the new HDTV at once. But I'm hoping the improved video quality will help breathe some new life into the old aging PS2 for me. In the day and age of the 360, I've found it rather hard to go back to the PS2, but hopefully with these new games and taking the system into HD, things will look up for quite possibly one of the best consoles ever.

In all actuality though, I'm really wanting to lay off the video games so much. I think they take up far too much of my time/brain power. I don't plan on cutting them out completely, especially since I just ordered those 2 new games, but do plan on cutting them back a bit. I want to get back into music, back into my poetry and art. I can't remember the last time I just totally blasted some music really loud and worked on my art. I really want moments like that to come back. Plus I've got a ton of comics I need to catch up on with reading.

So basically that's about all it for now. Until next time, Blessed Nightmares!

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