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blindclown2000 Blog

H and D pt. 2

Okay, back again. So I'm trying to figure out when my TV is actually gonna get here, cuz UPS isn't giving me any more info than "Billing Information Received". I ordered it Sunday, but I guess because of Christmas Eve and Christmas they haven't been able to ship it or update their information. However, I think it was Monday I ordered the Nintendo made Wii Component cable and I got that in today, so apparently things are working in the world of Shipping and Delievering. I know it's not coming today or probably not even tomorrow, I would just like to know when so I know when to expect it.

I've been looking at a lot of games lately. It was my goal to get into the Wii more, since you know, I do have one but I barely play it. I recently bought the Wii Zapper with Links Crossbrow Training, and that has actually been really, really fun, and it only cost me $20! Talk about value. Since I have a bit of a short attention span, I was thinking about getting some kind of mini game party type game, such as Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 or Mario Party 8. Also for the Wii I'm interested in Super Mario Galaxy and Super Paper Mario. But only time will tell which one I end up deciding to buy.

I guess since it's Christmas time I really want the Nightmare Before Christmas game. I really loved that movie and I love Tim Burton's work.

I keep asking myself is it really worth it to hook up the PS2 to this HDTV? I read some reviews online about how some people say it really helped breathe new life into their PS2, which is what I'm hoping for. I wonder how good a PS1 game will look? Formy birthdayI got Final Fantasy 8, and I'll be wanting to play that sometime soon too.

So I guess the problems I face right now is figuring out when UPS is going to actually deliever my new TV, trying to find a component system selector, find a PS2 component cable, and find these games I'm looking for. I wish like hell you could use gift cards on That would make my life a tad bit easier.

Okay, I know no one is going to read this all the way through, and I only really wrote this to clear some thoughts in my hed, cuz hell, what is a blog really for? Until nex time...

H and D

Well, I'm making a small move to HD gaming. I bought a 20" LCD 720p HDTV from I'm going to be setting it up in the computer room and I'm going to hook up the Nintendo Wii and some other console to it. The question then becomes, which console do I add to it....the PS2 or the original Xbox?

I think I'm more or less leaning towards the PS2. Although the PS2's graphics are outdated, I think bumping them up to HD with the new tv and a component cable will be great. I've even found a few games I'm interested in getting for the PS2: Nightmare Before Christmas, God Hand, and Shadow of the Colossus.

But still, no where does it say I cant have all 3 consoles hooked up to the TV. I just have to have a component selector switch thingie boppie. Although finding one of those ata fairly cheap price might be hard. I've found one on that I like, but still,I think I would rather get it in person so I won't have to wait another week for the thing to get shipped here.

I got some Gamestop giftcards for christmas, so I'm going to go spend those Thursday, hunting down those games I listed and maybe some component cable that I'll need for the PS2 and Xbox. But there's also a circuit city next door, so maybe I can find what I'm looking for there as well.

It's getting late and I'm gettiing sleepy. I'll continue this tomorrow or later.

Wii Want to Play...Something

So yes, I am one of the fortunate who have a Nintendo Wii. And it's a great console, really it is, but the problem is that there just aren't a whole lot of games out there for it that I seem to be too interested in. I own games like Zelda: Twilight Princess, Red Steel, Spiderman Friend or Foe, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Wii Play. And they're all great games, but the only one I've actually manage to play all the way through is the Spiderman game.

Why? I'm not sure. Like I said, all the games I listed above are fun and great to me (yes, even Red Steel), but I just can never get around to finishing any of them. Which is really my fault in the end. Well, that and the 360 with it's Assassins Creed and The Darkness and so on.

But I think maybe I should change that. For my birthday, I've got $75 worth of Gamestop gift cards. And I plan on using it to put towards two new Wii games. I just don't know which ones yet. Most of the ones on my list are Mario games, such as Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, and Mario Party 8. But I also want Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, because those little insane rabbids are just so hilarious.

Maybe I put too much faith into blood and gore, nudity and sex and language and not enough into fun quality. I love cartoons and a video game is just like an interactive cartoon. Maybe I need to dig a little deeper and bring out the kid in me. The kid that owned an original NES and would play duck hunt and Super Mario Brothers all the time.

Ah well, who knows really. Just some thoughts as I go towards the holiday season.

Out of Rock

So the other day me and my wife bought the game Rock Band for the Xbox 360. And I really loved it at first. Me and my wife started a band, we got to name the band, pick out a band logo, we went on tour and won a van to tour the country, and everything was great.

But then came the Solo Mode. I didn't try out the Solo Career until after the first night we had it. The night we did get it, I was lying in bed thinking up of all these cool band names I was going to name my solo project. But then after work, I come home, crank it up, but then find that you don't get to name your band, pick out a logo, or even really go on tour and win vans and tour buses and get fans. Nope, all your doing is playing a set of songs that progessivly get harder as you move up the ladder. The only good thing about solo mode is that I've been using the same character that I made with my wife and in solo mode you still earn cash to buy clothes and instruments.

So yes, the game does have some very good qualities. You get to design your own very own unique rocker, you get to buy all these cool clothes and tattoos and hair **** and all these instruments. The multiplayer is in fact fun if you have someone to share it with. Unfortunetly, if your like me, and you dont have very many friends, especially ones into video games, then you kind of get the short end of the stick.

If they had put the same amount of effort and ****into the solo mode as they did the multiplayer, then I would probably absolutely love this game. But since the solo mode is rather lacking, I'm kinda disappointed really.

The game does have a great soundtrack tho. I love that it has a NIN song and that south park song with Timmy is funny as hell and a blast to play.

The other thing is to, I'm not good at the drums or the vocals, which just leaves the guitar. I've played the original guitar hero and liked it, so playing the guitar isn't that bad. But the easy mode on Rock Band is just that, too easy. But then when I bump up the difficulty to Medium, it becomes too hard for my brain to keep up.

All in all, it's a great game, but in the end, it'll probably be just a game that I only play when my wife and I have free time together.

Back In Alternate Reality Business....After Almost 2 Years

Yeah, so, I've been gone from this little digital blog for quite a while. To be honest, although I would check Gamespot for reviews and news, I hardly ever updated my games list or of course this blog. But I've decided to get back to it becuase I once again feel the need to express my video game awareness with the empty void of the Internet (because come on, no one is going to read this anyhow).

So what's been going on you might ask?? Well sure, a lot has happened in my life in the past two years, such as this year I got married to the Beautiful Ashes, I moved out, got a dog, and my truck caught on fire. All fun stuff really.

Video game wise, well yes, things are pretty happening and going there too. For starters, I got some new killer systems like my favorite console, The Xbox 360. I also was fortunate enough to get a Nintendo Wii, a Nintendo DS, and a brand spanking new Dell XPS 710 Computer. All great for gaming, and yes, I've been busy. Especially the month of November and December.

I've gotten some great games, like on the PC I've gotten Gears of War (KILLER!), Unreal Tournament 3 (KICK ASS), and The Witcher (Awesome Story!). On the 360 I've gotten Assassins Creed (which you can now read my review). I haven't bought anything new for the Wii lately because there really hasn't been much out there for it. Well, a few months ago I got Spiderman: Friend or Foe for it and it was pretty fun.

But the last couple of days I've been going back through my collection, especially my 360 collection, and replayinga few of my favorites. Such as Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Superman Returns, and The Darkness. In the past month I think I've beaten Gears of War on the PC about 3 or 4 times.

So right now, I'm just having fun going through some of my faves on the 360, I'm sure that sometime this week I'll start yet ANOTHER new game of Gears of War on the PC, and the main game that I still want to beat is Unreal Tournament 3. I'm only off tomorrow before I go back to work, so I doubt hardly any of that will get done considering I want to watch Spiderman 3 and read some comics I bought not too long ago.

Till next time, and hopefully this time it won't be almost 2 years lol =P

Fresh New Pancakes

10:50 PM

Well, here I am again after almost a year has passed by.  I kind of got out of the habit of writing in this blog and sort of just blabbered on and on about video games in my real journal I keep on my computer.  But, I think I've been spending too much of my talking in my journal about video games, so in order to cut down on that, I'm going to breathe new life into this Blog in the hopes all that video game venom will pour out of my system.  So, shall we begin?

I recently bought a PSP.  It's really cool and I like it alot, I just kind of wish there was a bigger selection of games out there right now for it.  But anyhow, right now I own Twisted Metal: Head On and Death Jr.  I've already bought a 256 MB memory stick duo for it.  I've put a few songs on there, some random pictures, and a few music videos.  It's really cool how it can do all that stuff AND surf the net too.  I think that's one of the main reasons why I like it so much is because I can use it to surf the net.  I know that may sound stupid, because I have a computer to do that with, but the fact that I can basically "hold the net" in my hands seems pretty awesome to me.

Twisted Metal:  Head On is a good game I really like it.  I just wish there was more of a mission variety between the different characters.  So far from what I've played and I'm assuming it will be this way for the rest of the characters, but you play the same levels and face the same bosses.  I just wish maybe that their were different branching story lines to follow.  But ah well, you really can't complain when a game comes along that gets rid of your built up road rage.  I've already beaten it with Sweet Tooth, Dark Tooth, and right now I'm working on it with Cousin Eddy.

Death Jr. was actually the main game I wanted for the PSP when I got interested in getting one.  Unfortunetly, when I bought my PSP from Wal-Mart, they didn't have any Death Jr's for sale.  Which is why I got Twisted Metal.  It was kind of hard to find some good reviews for Death Jr., as it seemed like everyone was putting it down.  But it just seemed like a really cool game to me, like something that I just knew I would like.  And I do.  It only took me a few days to beat the game, but it was very fun.  Other than the Lord of the Rings games on my Game Boy Advance, I'd have to say that Death Jr. is my fav portable game.  The action was great, non stop fun, the platforming was OK, but not as bad as everyone made it out to be.  The story was funny and the character of Death Jr. himself just looks cool swinging his scythe around.  Just goes to show you that you can't always trust what the media says.  Sometimes you just have to form your own opinions and not let someone else decide what it is you like about things.

Today while I was off and with nothing to do, I played Jedi Academy for the PC.  I've already played through it and beaten it, but this time I'm going to be a strictly dark jedi *evil laugh*.  I'm investing all my force upgrade points into the dark side of the force.  I just want to see how the game turns out when you've chosen the darkside.

But I guess the main thing I played today was good old Diablo 2.  I bought the game a long time ago and never got around to playing it until recently.  I played a good bit of it tonight and even got around to finishing the first Act.  So I see that as good progress towards beating an old game that I never got around to finishing.  It's a pretty kick ass game too, even if the graphics are really, really outdated.  But I really don't seem to mind because the gameplay is so good.

Sometime soon I plan on starting a new game of Fable on the PC.  I beat it once before as a good guy, and like Jedi Academy, I want to play through it again as a evil character.  I want to grow horns!  Hehehehee

I told myself I was going to watch The Crow on my PSP tonight but I never got around to doing it.  So far that's the only movie I've bought for my PSP.  There really aren't any other movies that I feel like buying for it.  Except, I think I saw somewhere that they were going to release Star Wars:  Episode III on UMD, and if they do, I'll probably get that because that was such a good movie.

Well, until I find more boring crap to talk about, I bid thee farewell...

The Gods are Angry


I beat AVP2 last week. So yeah, that's good. I also bought God of War a couple of weeks ago and this past week I bought Shadow Hearts: Covenant. So that's two new games to keep me busy. I got through a good portion of God of War, but then I got stuck on this one puzzle that was really starting to make me mad, so I just stopped playing. The next day I started a new game but this time on the easy difficultily level, but I haven't gotten anywhere near where I left off. And I've been putting some good hours into SH:C, I just haven't played it since yesterday. I still have a little bit of time left tonight, but I don't know if I'll be playing any games or not. I've been in a real nasty of a BLAH mood and haven't really been feeling like playing games today. But hey, what can you do?

There aren't really any games new games out right now that I feel like playing. I know the Doom 3 expansion pack just came out, but I haven't even come close to beating Doom 3 yet. So, blah to that. Area 51 comes out this month, so that might actually be pretty good. I don't know what system I'll get it on though. Hmm. Boomshakalaka!

Okay I'm going to end this boring thing here. Goodnight.

Let's Get Serious


I played Serious Sam: The Second Encounter today, a good bit of it acutally. I should have it beat pretty soon, which will be good. It always makes me feel just a little bit better knowing that I took the time away from my ADD life to beat a game. I'm still working on Doom 3, but I really haven't played it that much lately. I really plan on playing that during my vacation. I haven't really played Aliens VS Predator 2 any lately either. That's another one of those old games that I bought and never beat. I figure while I'm waiting for some new games to come out, I might as well take the time to beat some of the older ones I never got around to finishing.

Some of the games coming out that I'm looking forward to is God of War for the PS2, but I'm not sure if I'll end up liking that game because it's suppose to have a lot of puzzles in it, and I'm not too much into puzzles. I just like action. I'm also waiting for Area 51 to come out. I'll either get that on the PS2 or Xbox, depending on whether or not they release codes for the Xbox version. A couple of weeks ago I got around to renting Timesplitters 2 for the first time, and I must say that I liked it. So now I'm waiting for Timesplitters: Future Perfect to come out, and hopefully that will be a good game.

As far as games that are already out that I would like to play, I kind of want to play Constantine, but I'll probably just rent that. It hasn't gotten too many good reviews, but it sounds like the type of game I would play. I really want to try and rent Project: Snowblind because I hear that's a good game. I might get around to renting that tomorrow before I go to work. Assuming of course if the video store has it.

I had installed Painkiller back into my computer yesterday or the day before. A while back when I would play it, it would quit to the desktop on me during gameplay. Which was weird because when I first bought it I was able to play and beat the game. Ah well. I just thought I would try and play it again. I had thought about getting that expansion pack for it, but since it was buggin out on me, I never got around to it. Plus I heard there was this really bad jumping puzzle that really sucks and interrupts the game. I hate jumping puzzles. But who knows, if I can get Painkiller to work again, and if I can take the time to play it all the way through again, then maybe I'll break down and get the expansion pack.

It's a few minutes past midnight right now, and I still feel like playing games, I'm just not sure how I should spend the rest of the night. I thought about playing some Bloodrayne 2 or maybe even FF7. But, I dunno. I might actually break down and play some more Serious Sam. Or maybe not. I DON'T KNOW. Maybe I should just go to bed. Yeah, that sounds good. But I'm not sleepy, so basically I'm screwed.

Until next time, Blessed Waffles...

La La La

Here I am with nothing to better to do at 2:18 AM. As far as games go, I've been playing a little bit of everything lately. I started a new game of The Punisher on the PS2 just because I like the cartoon violence (funny stuff). And tonight I also started playing Serious Sam: The Second Encounter because I never got around to beating that game, so I decided to pick it back up and try to finish it off this time. I'm also working on Doom 3, which is a darn scary game. I really like it though, and I plan on having it beat by the end of my vacation which starts in a couple of weeks. Also, I'm working on Aliens VS Predator 2 on the PC. I beat the Alien portion of the game and I'm currently working on the Marine portion. I think I liked the Alien portion better though, more fun to play as a viscious killing machine. I've also got a game of FF 1 on the GBA, but I haven't played it in a while and I doubt I'll get around to picking it back up anytime soon. I'm just really in the mood to play first person shooters, especially on my PC.

Okay, I'm done for now.

Blessed Waffles!

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