@Xristophoros: And it seems that you support either PC or Sony. Why do you always rant on Microsoft. When you said people are passionate about their opinions, I bet people scroll right past yours and a few others like Xboticon because we already know what you say. Now, you guys seem like utter no lives who likes to raid on Microsoft's fun. Sure, they've told some lies, but really, they're more successful than Sony will ever be. Sony just has the console and a few mid-budget TVs, but Microsoft doesn't need Xbox. I'm glad they have it though, but Windows is like the main OS. So remember what I said, ranting on every article clearly shows how you are while typing.
@Xristophoros: Well some people don't really care about opinions, you can really tell on every Xbox or Sony related article, one person has their panties in a bunch.
@TashunkoSapa: Lol, same. And I wanted to see the PC people who claim their rig can hold up with continuous upgrades. Something about PC players bother me, even though I game on it sometimes. They need to realize that the console is more convenient than any "super easy to build and use PC." Just plug and play, that simple.
@adkcrazox: Microsoft runs the computers basically besides Linux and Mac. Sony's and Microsoft's phones were flopped, and Sony has good TVs. Yet, Microsoft does have more because they're just Microsoft, lol.
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