@smokerob79: And who the hell wants to spend all that? Just admit that the console is more convenient than the PC despite the PC being more powerful. And I doubt that a 5 or 6 year old card can run something like Witcher 3 or soon to come out Battlefield 1 without any fuzzy textures or rips.
@mikemurphy80: Full specs hasn't been released yet. And with the Pro on its way, Microsoft has plentiful time to make Scorpio kick ass. That's what he's saying.
@olddadgamer: So am I. I game on Xbox and PC, however PC is much more of a hassle. I do prefer the console because with today's games on PC, requirements are so strict nowadays to the point where you upgrade your GPU than your whole console. The prebuilt hardware holds up for...let's say about 6-10 months, and like you said, new GPUs are releasing.
@tysontalksbad: I know right, console wars are for the children. It's a win situation if you're a proud gamer already. That calstate guy is probably a 6th grade child who just got a PS4 for his birthday.
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