I do think power matters but check this out let's do this by the numbers in case my point didn't hit home:
Floating Point performance:
PS2 = 6.2 Gflops Xbox = 21.6 Gflops
Fun fact: The PS4 would have to have 4.6 Teraflops to match that difference. Memory & Bandwidth PS2 = 32MB Rambus 3.2GB/s Xbox = 64MB DDR II 6.4GB/s Fun fact: The PS4 would have to have 16GB of ram to match the difference GPU Power: PS2 = Graphics Synthesizer @ 150Mhz 1999 tech Xbox = Geforce 3 @ 233Mhz 2001 tech
There's gonna be a difference between the one and ps4 but if you only have a one its gonna get the job done. in the last couple of generations the weaker console sold better. I have a ps4 and not a one yet but if i would've bought a one first all this negative publicity might have bothered not sure still think its a good console now the wiiu is another story
@kingfish1984 true the ps2 xbox generation was a pretty damn big difference in power but we know who won that gen, but the original xbox got me back into gaming again and showed me morrowind for the first time.
and i have a gaming pc so games like bf4 assassins creed and so on im getting for pc. Both new consoles are underpowered but there are exclusives i cant get on pc
Man i was going to get a ps4 first then a xbone after the new year, but the games i really want to play is ryse and forza, not much i want to play on ps4 maybe killzone but i hated the way it controlled on ps3 way to floaty maybe they have fixed it. Forza still the best racing game, gran tourismo hasnt been good since ps2. The ps3 version was a big cluster#uck of high a low resolution cars plus update after update to fix what shouldve been there from launch.
still the best racing game out and im sure this will be a must for xbone launch game purchases. man the paint and damage looks good. haven't liked gran tourismo since ps2 just don't like the way the cars fill compared to forza.
Thinking of getting a 280x to crossfire with my 7970, want a 290 but i could only get one and 2 7970's will be way faster. plus a 280x is a 7970 with a different name and 1-5% increase at most. man 300 is cheap i payed damn near 500 for my 7970ghz. hope the 7970's will drop now that the 280's are out
seems pointless to me, build a pc hook it to your tv with an hdmi and get a wireless xbox 360 adapter to use for a 360 controller. I have my pc hooked to my 50in tv and play alot of games with the 360 pad. just dont see any point for this who is this for not me or someone who can barley afford a console because the cpu alone is 200-300 gpu from 200-1000 your talking 500-600 minimum for base model and 1500 or more for the top of the line model and thats just the price of the hardware. Why not build a pc its not hard people there are plenty of videos on youtube and other websites that show you how to do it, and you can upgrade a pc with little effort.
blkgsr's comments