No challenge. I was bored, couldn't get all the way through it.
bloberto's forum posts
If the NES isn't on your list, you don't know video games! NES made console gaming, it was just awesome in its time.
I am partial to the SNES, Genesis, N64, and Xbox360 too, but I can't come up with a good ranking.
Despite that you can hook a PC up to a TV, no one with a family or a real life has the household PC hooked up to the living room television.
If you are 20+ years old and live in your parent's basement, please ignore this topic.
Maybe I am different than some of you guys, but I like to play video games. The best cutscenes I saw this year were on No Country For Old Men. That game was almost as interactive as MGSIV too.
Is it strange nowadays to like games for the gameplay?
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