just checked the release notes..........none. firmwire is from 8-17-2008. no support for c2d or pentium dual core.
blood_b45's forum posts
Man thats serious fail on my part, shelled out 80 big ones on this processor.oh well :| thanksI appreciate the help.
I just recently bought the intel e5300 processor for my motherboard(intel d945gnt-d945psn) . the problem is there is no post. ive tried the intel pentium 4 and a intel pentium d and both work. my motherboard support dual cores and is EMT64 capable(doesnt supportc2d). My motherboard supports processor with fsb from 533 to 800fsb.
what may be the problem. here the specs
processor:intel p4 ht 3.2 800fsb 2MB L2 cache EMT64 capable
ram: corsair 533mhz ddr2 512MBx2
gpu: evga 7800gtx
psu: 460watt zalman psu.
motherboard: intel d945psn
i connected the gpu cooling fan to the auxillary fan connection(4pin ) and the cpu cooling fan to the cpu fan connection (4pin) even though the connections for the fans are made for 3 pin they still fit. that resolved the problem for me.
i removed the cpu cooler to see that the gpu cooler doesnt flicker anymore. maybe its to much suction of the boards power as both cpu/gpu coolers
recieve power from the fan connection instead of using a 4 pin MOLEX adapter.
actually its quite neat, no wires getting in the way of the fans.the light flickesron the vga cooler and the processor cooler.I wouldnt think these things are power hogs.
i disconnected the harddrives , the extra fans and the disk drives and the led lights from the fan still flicker.
I recently bought a thermaltake blue orb II and Z-machine gv1000 installed them both and the led from the fans seem to be flickering constantly. the things is it wasnt flickering before. When i installed the the hard drives,disk drive,and a couple of more fans(2 fans to be exact)then the flickering started. here are my specs.
intel p4 3.2ghz ht lga775 (thermaltake blue orb II)
evga 7800gtx(Z-MACHINE GV1000)
corsair1.5gb ram ddr2 533mhz
1tb wd caviar black hdd
460 watt zalman
If anything,microsoft would have its next console come witha dvd drive but, most of its games would be digital distributed. now, their is a company that says they have been testing their 20-30gb disks on red lasers and have come to a conclusion that it works.I had a link to it before now I have to dig down deep 2 yrs of forums and threadsto find it.
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