ESRB, one of the most powerful forces in the video game universe. Starting out in 1994 due to growing concerns that some video games were right for children, they have grow into a large and powerful force in the industry. But yesterday, I learned some disturbing truths about ESRB.
First, they rate games by selecting three people from 'different backrounds' (so they say) who watch a movie/trailer of the game and from that they rate the game. I am freaking appalled, instead of playing through the game, they watch a god-damn movie. How are they suppose to accurately rate games based on a small bit of footage, just play the game god-damnit.
Second, I realized how much power ESRB holds over game companies, so much that they (except Rockstar) may actually fear them. After they gave Manhunt 2 an AO rating, they gave Rockstar an economical suicide when it came to Manhunt 2. Having an AO severely limits the game distribution from Wal-Mart , Best buy, basically all the places you buy games, and condemns it to rely internet orders. With this power, who knows what they can do to the future of gaming.
Third, is how they can change game ratings. When Oblivion was launched, it had a nice and happy T rating, when some guy who had a little too much time on his hands and intimate knowledge of code developed a nudity mod. When ESRB caught wind of this the game's rating was quickly changed to M. They shouldn't be able to do this, what are the developers supposed to do in this situation? They can't control gamers, the only way is for us gamers to regulate ourselves (which isn't going to happen, ever).
Fourth, ESRB is becoming more under pressure by the government and parents. They are pressuring ESRB to be stricter in their rating system. If the ESRB succumbs to this pressure (if it hasn't already) we gamers will be looking at harsher and potentially unfair ratings for future games.
To end, I would like to say this: Although ESRB has good intentions, can they really continue to rate our games fairly with their immense power and growing pressure from the government and parents?
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