i havent written anything down as of yet because i write mainly poetry. i have been tossing around the idea of a poem based on or inspired by castlevania but nothing has come to me yet.
their are two possible stories i might write sometime. one is a castlevania/marvel zombies crossover where an unkown being traps soma in the marvel zombies dimension in the hopes that it will force soma to become the dark lord to survive or that the zombies will overwhelm soma and either take and his dark power to eat more brains or just kill him and allow a new heir to the dark power to be born. it would be a great game with bosses like zombie iron man, zombie spidey, colonel america, etc. and of course all the soul powers would be cool.
the other one is just one that focuses on Genya/Alucard between 1999 and 2035 and would revolve around him investigating attempts to revive dracula
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