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bloody1f4knight Blog

Patriots vs. Chargers

I can't wait to watch that game. It is going to be a great game. Personally, I want Patriots to win but I think Chargers have more talents and therefore I pick Chargers to win a close game. We'll see.

First Impression (This is Me. Welcome to My Life)

Nowadays, I am regretting how I spent 4 years of my high school life. I am a typical shy guy who is afraid to talk to people. Well I guess I am not afraid but it's more like the lack of self-confident. When I first entered the high school, I was really excited even though I didn't know anyone in the school. I was planning to participate in school activities and meet new friends. During first year, I tried out for the basketball and soccer team but I didn't make both teams. My social life wasn't better either. I only talked to people who were just like me and I didn't talk to anybody other than them. 4 years later in the present, I am still a shy, not involved in any major sports teams, don't have many friends and sitting here writing a blog about my "pathetic" life. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the first impression is very important and if you make a wrong first impression, then your life can be a harsh one.

Let me just tell you what happened today. I went into my first class, I didn't talk to anyone. During lunch time, I had a lunch with my friends who only like to talk about F***ing video games!!! AND in my thrid and fourth classes, I was sitting by myself punishing myself! I Am a F***ing Loner and I am going to F***ing DIE!!!! Why did I only say "HI" to them when they wanted to get to know me! Why didn't I try to be friends with one of those well rounded people! Why do I F***ing have to be friends with these GEEKS who only like to talk about FREAKING VIDEO GAMES!!!! F***!!!

Well....... Welcome to My Life.

Sick of all the WoW talk

Most of my friends play Wolrd of Warcraft and that's all they talk about. I mean I want to play it but I don't like the idea of paying for game cards every 3 months or so. Today, they were talking about World of Warcraft and all I could do was just sit there and do nothing. Oh well..... I guess I have no choice but to just put up with it.

Getting a job... Is it worth it?

Well here is the thing. My friend phoned me and said we should get a job. I said well I want to focus on the school work since it's my last year and I want to get into the university that I want to go. But I was thinking, maybe he is right because I have to get a job at one point or another. It's not like my parents are going to pay everything for me during my university years.. Well I'm really confused now. What do you guys think?


I was listening to today and I "accidently" got to listen to Fergalicious. Now you have to understand that I don't listen to those kind of songs not because I hate them but because you are not suppose to listen to them. So I tried to close my iTunes but guess what.. I couldn't. I listened to the whole song and now I can't stop sining that song. I was one click away from buying that song. The lyrics is just too..... addictive you know what I'm trying to say? I mean like you know it's not right to like that kind of songs but you just can't help singing the song.. Damn I need help.


I bet you guys remember when I wrote a blog about my super cool Christmas present. Just in case if you can't remember, I got a LG Chocolate phone (the music box addition). First time I opened the box, there were many cool things including the bluetooth wireless headset. At first, I didn't know how to use it and I thought it was only for talking on cellphone. However today, I realized I can use it for the music too. This is just fantastic since my iPod earphone broke on me and I needed the new one.

Saddam is dead

Saddam is finally dead and I have to say that it was quite disturbing to see his dead body. I went on CNN about 2 minutes ago and saw the picture of Saddam's dead body. I think he deserved that but why do they have to show his body like that.. I don't know.

Yes!!!! XBOX 360!!!

Oh My God! I cannot believe that I got Xbox 360 for the christmas!! well actually my brother got it but I get to share it so this is just great. My brother bought Gears of War and we've been playing the Co-op mission for 4 hours. That game is just so great. I mean I can't believe how great the game is. I am so excited and I can't wait to tell my friends about this.