@TomMcShea @bloody_roar_fan Are you him for real?? You must know how bad you judgment on reviews are because you'r the only reviewer that I saw (besides Caroline, and shes an awesome reviewer) but for you to have to come her for cheeking the comments up because of the negativity in them mostly about you is somewhat hilarious! I'm really honored for my comment being so important that the reviewer it self haw to respond immediately! Oh, and I saw your review on that game about insects (I, think) don't remember, any way I really liked it! It was a bit sad that your best review was about that game and not a big one. I'm sorry for the "hating" comment but you know how it goes around here ;)..
Ahaha Price actually looks better than the other guy in ghosts!!!
The guy from ghosts looks like an ARMA 2 character !
This is ridiculous, is just Activision trying to make us look like fools by saying how much better the graphics are, and how much work they have put in to it wen actually its all photos compacted together in a LEGO polygon video game!
bloody_roar_fan's comments