Well, I've clocked up to 107 hours on my White and haven't bumped into a single shiny Pokemon.
bloopx3's forum posts
Hey guys I have a question... If you catch a Pokemon yourself, trade it to someone, and then trade it back, will you still get the boosted xp gain? I want to re-play HeartGold and have Gengar and Steelix on my team but I don't want them to gain more xp than my other Pokemon after I evolve them through trades.rubber-chicken
Nope. After all, the Pokemon still has you as the Original Trainer in its info.
It's just that I have a Starmie and Chandelure so for me, Reuniclus is a bit redundant.
Am I the only one who is disappointed with Reuniclus? Maybe I didn't train mine well, but anyway, I'm going to replace it with something else.
I'm enjoying Spring too! (Although I liked how Winter allowed you to access hidden/hard-to-reach places.
Everything's so greeeen now! :D
What other highlights are there during Spring? I've already caught a Spring Deerling for the scientist.
How can it be that I've gone through the Island of Dreams9 times and haven't seen anything shake or sparkle?
I've gone through the island of dreams 4 times now and that has happened to me once. But then I relized that in the areas with the water, if it looks like the water is moving (like it has ripples in it) then there is a pokemon hiding in it.
I also looked out for ripples too, but nothing. :( I'll try again tomorrow...maybe something went wrong. I ended up giving up after around 13 tries.
How can it be that I've gone through the Island of Dreams9 times and haven't seen anything shake or sparkle?
I think the problem is that I clicked too much, too quickly. Like before the garden even started to load, I'm already clicking the arrow to go to the Island of Dreams page.
ANIMEguy, have you not been able to even step in DW yet?
Alright, tried going to my garden and the DW has been like this for the past 18 minutes. Now what?
Well, I finally navigated away from the page and tried to get in the DW again... Had no idea I was allowed to do that! I thought I'd have to wait another 24 hours...
Why would you turn offyour game during the first credits? :? I mean, no one likes credits (I would only rewatch one for the music/graphics) but upon first completing the game,always watchthe whole thing or at least keep it on, if only to see if there's something special at the very end.
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