blownsnake's forum posts
When he says hackers he's talking bout the nuke hack that lets u nuke without even puttn a ghost near u and like 15 nukes come down on you at once, or map hacks where they know where you are at early in the game and what buildings u got, puttn u at a disadvantage.
And to the OP yes i still play it, I tend to dislike the ZC maps and like the original temple and BGH maps.
Better that it happen that way than for you to sell it on ebay for a higher price, only to have to give a full refund cuz of the disc tray messing up on whoever bought it from you. (Back to square one)
Hey guys,
I had just recently purchased a regular xobx with a few cheap 5-10 games. One of them that i picked up was Mech Assault. Its pretty decent. Now that ive beaten it I would like to know who still plays this game online. I would like some friendly competition. I figured id play the xbox to tie me over till they lower the prices ono these next gen systems. Anywayz any takers?
Does anybody have an unused xbox live subscription card that they are willing to give up or know of a site where i can buy a 3 month subscription card(not the starter pack) for the original xbox? I cant find it anywheresuperc92
go to and do a a 3 month one there.
and you might want to try ebay!
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