OMG a light that won't turn off? Wow that sucks! That's such a big deal. Heck it's a deal breaker....oh wait it's not.
You almost had me there MS fanboys lol. Given the history of the RROD system you kept buying, I doubt a light would make a difference if it was on your new system. Heck at least the light means our controller is working lol.
Idiot. Not to put people down? It takes a certain kind of ass to go thru the trouble of posting what you did. Take note: when you say you don't put people down yet use the words "retarded" and judge a person by're the one who comes off retarded AND ugly inside. Yes what I typed was a put down. I do that to low life's like you, and unlike you, i don't pretend to be above doing it.
Well if it was just any random person complaining, I say no deal. But Ellen page is an actress and one used for videogames so I see her point. In the end I doubt Ellen really cares. In the end, Ellen has the right to be upset. An actor's marketability has a lot to do with how they look as well as how they perform. I like Naughty Dog's products but this wasn't really cool.
For Naughty Dog: Why did Ellen talk about it now? Why not when the project was revealed?
For Ellen Page: Lay off her for being honest. She said it wasn't appreciated. She has the right to say that.
@Starsailor_IT you have to pay cuz they need to pay their employees for better service and security. Sony was not on par w/ Xbox on online service...even I concede to that and I don't like xbox. But honestly, having you pay for a service is an age old's called do it too. When you work, you get paid for your service. How would you like it if you worked all day and someone says, "You're greedy, why should I pay you for providing me w/ a service I NEVER would have had w/o you." Really now....
@blue_shift_91 who said M$ was actively trying to sabotage Sony? Read my post and it doesn't say that. Seriously, why do people inject their argument to try to sound intelligent.
Hint: you don't sound intelligent when you invent a topic that is not discussed. wonder M$ makes money, they got morons like you as their lemmings. I didn't even have to read the rest of your post. The first sentence was enough for me to stop and tear you apart lol.
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