Ok so many MS guys are missing the point. Now there is this whole thing about "Oh 3rd party MS games will let you play used games, let you trade" blah blah. Did you really hear any of these companies come out so vehemently about allowing players to do whatever they want with their games UNTIL Sony showed the world that giving the consumer's the choice was the way to go?
Point: No company was really marketing the consumer's choice, until the consumer community did a 180 on MS once Sony announced their support of the consumer. If MS and other companies are pedaling back to give consumers the right to do what they want w/ their property, it's because Sony was brave enough to show them we are right, they were wrong. Credit to Sony on this one.
@kopstick You are to be commended for leaving the darkside lol. Ok honestly, I have both systems and my xbox is paper weight. It was the console that brought the era of FPS, a genre I didn't feel the need to play for one year let alone 8. But if you are wanting gears like on PS4, I don't know. Don't think it's a priority right now.
@Camp0potamus "most of the higher income metro demographics"???? How elitist of you lol. I can't really comment on this quote much...it's like you became Maria Antoinette and said "let them eat cake."
@Stevo_the_gamer silly gamer. Sony learned that to provide for a large online community like xbox did, you need man power and that costs money. Their decision to have you pay online is for better service. That is not greed, that is 8 years of learning that they did not keep up with xbox online community. Just because someone asks you for $50 a year it doesn't mean they are greedy. It's called paying for a service. You don't have a blind right to someone's service....you have to give something in return. The issue we are arguing about here is that MS is trying to take our right to own. That is the greed they are talking about. The right to own what we paid for and do what we want with it. It isn't just about monetary things. If I bought a product, I can do what I want with that product.
And for all the pretenders who say that they are hardcore gamers who don't bother to buy or sell their games...get off it. Are you hardcore because you're mom still pays the roof over your head? You can't buy every single game out there w/o losing your life and wallet, so a used game is fine. Oh wait, unless your hardcore gaming skills somehow earned you a great diploma from college and you are earning six figures being a professional couch potato. (didn't think so).
Besides, it is the principal we are arguing about here. If you (hardcore gamer) allow MS to tell you what to do w/ your bought product - can't play w/o checking in, can't allow two friends to borrow your game, can't sell what you bought, then you are allowing a company to take away your rights. Tell me, what do you gain for allowing a company to dictate what you can and can't do w/ a game you paid for? Nothing. What do you lose? --- if you can't answer the latter question, good luck w/ life.
@GhotiFish1 MS was not targeted. Btw, whether Sony was negligent or not isn't the point. $50 per person for security of my personal stuff is like my bank or doctors office charging me $50 to keep my info confidential. Oh wait I don't know what that is like cuz they never charge me for it AND is required by law to protect it....without charge. I guess you were duped by MS strategy: "they won't notice the extra fees for hard drives, peripherals, adaptors to watch hd, and $59 spent once they start playing. Just tell them we are cheaper at retail, they won't have a choice but to pay for the extra cost by the times it's in the living room. Oh what, the box isn't ready for retail because it over heats? Sell it anyway, many people are stupid." Did you really have to go out of your way to prove them right?
@vatorus @bubba_1988 Sorry bub but you're the idiot.....think before a rebuttal next time. Sony is comparable in online play experience and is maintained quite well w/o tricking their players that giving them money means better services. Oh wait it's not just them, smart tv, tablets, phones all do this free by wifi lol.
@vatorus Every month some is wrong? I doubt you own a ps3 with that comment. Your last paragraph proves it. I own both systems and the ps3 online multiplayer exp is equal to the 360 except I don't have to pay. Yes it is maintained well and yes my plus subscription's benefits are substantial vs. gold. As for your first sentence on hacking, that's really great writing going for bad press right away. It's worse than the journalist you criticize. But since you felt the need to highlight a blemish, heres one for your system....years of RROD. Seriously, I don't even have to argue this old tactic from fanboys. Xbox always cashed in and played their buyers, touting a cheaper price. Hmm let's see, ps3 is usually $50 more but online play is free, controllers don't need batteries, I didn't need a fan to cool it, I didn't have to buy extra hard drive space, and I didnt need an Ethernet adaptor or a ps3 only head set. Xbox on the other hand upon initial release: buy it cheaper than the competition but you need batteries, $50 to play online (currently need to just to watch Hulu, net, etc), buy a fan, buy a hard drive, and buy a special adapter just so my Xbox power cable doesn't block my hdmi cable. Seriously, the author was only complaining about one exploit but you had to go there lol.
I never had a problem with SCEA or any of the others really. MS resolves things like my RROD with it's warranty and I frankly didn't care enough or play enough to demand a quick fix from them. So I think the resolved cases from MS are due to their big changes from 360's inception (when they denied RROD). Not really sure what all this data will do for me since I am a satisfied customer of all these companies since the 80's for most and 90's for some. They are a business...do they care about me or the bottom line? um duh...so if they happen to NOT aggravate me during their pursuit of the mighty dollar then I don't care what the data is saying.
@Kevin-V ok I admit I'm late in the game here for replying only now, but I honestly don't read so much of this after putting a comment. My favorite reviewer on here has always been you. One reason is that you do give your honest opinion. Sometimes it's not an opinion because you back it up very well and you are not just a good writer but a good speaker. That said, I am surprised at the replies you are making. Understanding that you really are above all this quarreling AND your comments on the VITA (that I own) are valid. Nothing in your comments were out of pure ignorance. I did find one person (forgot his name, that's how much it mattered) during the show that was plain silly. The all in one device argument was a forced argument and I think that is what people are reacting to. Even when a large number of you folks gave great rebuttals, he kept on beating a dead horse like he was paid to bash lol. What he did was not professional nor was it backed up with any sort of facts. Comparing the Vita to a smart phone is a stretch. Heck even if Sony claimed VITA to replace smart phones, that wont happen. The VITA is attempting to straddle the fence as far as features yes, but it really is a bad smart phone lol. But a smart phone and ipad is a bad hardcore game system like the VITA. I In any case, your opinion is well taken. I just think people reacted to the other guy. I like my VITA quite a lot but it is for gaming. Angry birds doesn't quite give me the same experience lol.
@Raelador21: read your post again. Why do you think 90% are crazy on the internet but not in the real world? Because they are not anonymous in the real world/ in person. People are cowardly and will not speak out loud when society can see them. However, when they can hide behind a screen, their true nature comes out. Sanity and good intentions cannot be determined when the act of kindness is public. That person's reason for doing nice things can be for credit or approval. However, if a person does good things w/o the public knowing, then maybe they truly are good. The same can be said about the opposite. If a person is a jerk anonymously...they are most likely a jerk period. They just don't have the guts to show it in real life...hence your evaluation of people being sane in the "real world." I feel for Kevin, those "f---t, n---g haters" are cowardly. If they say that at work or school, they would be dismissed.
blue900's comments