@Sstuart02 @bluefox755 To get a pay increase, you have to show your value...then earn it. If someone gives you more money are you going to magically make better games? No.. You have to prove your worth and talent, and you'll get a raise, if you don't, you move on to someone who will see and appreciate your talent.
@Sstuart02 @bluefox755 Publishers, shareholders, investors would get the extra money. Developers get paid for the work they do, they aren't taking any risks, they wouldn't get a pay bump. With that argument, you could say that the publishers could fork over some of their money to the devs so they could make better games, which would sell more, and everyone would win...unfortunately it doesn't work that way.
The idea of laissez faire capitalism (not crony, not government regulated), but free market, is that a company makes a product or a service, THAT PEOPLE WANT, people buy that product, the company has more money to expand and employ more people, and create new and better products that MORE people want to buy. Greed is the driving force behind this, the desire for one's self to become more successful and expand his business, thereby making more jobs, hiring more, boosting the economy.
My point is greed and taking care of your customers don't have to be mutually exclusive.
@ddoggbritt16 @bluefox755 Yep, nothing about their vision benefits the customers, it only benefits their bottom line. The outrage at MS is more than justified.
@ddoggbritt16 Not only that, but much faster internet, i have some friends that top out at 100kbps on their DSL and that's the fastest available in their area., which makes their "cloud gaming" an instant failure as well.
The problem with digital is there are many more potential restrictions the seller can place on the product as opposed to physical copies...I know that Microsoft sees this as good for their bottom line, but is it good for us? In any way? Aside from saving us a trip to the store.
bluefox755's comments