Hopefully they don't "streamline" anymore, I swear games get dumbed down more and more every year until they are on rails QTE fests. Hopefully they look to back to DA:O more than DA2.
@GSJones1994 @bluefox755 @yearssomuch I don't recall saying that. Don't really care about Sega. They failed too. I don't care who "wins", just feel like Nintendo has gotten lazy and arrogant, and am expressing my thoughts on it.
@GSJones1994 @bluefox755 @yearssomuch I used to love Nintendo, but they've been a major disappointment since the Gamecube. I am simply expressing my disapproval...ya know, free speech and all that :P
@GSJones1994 @bluefox755 They're not, pikmin 3 has sold only 150k in the US. W101 data isn't out yet, but I think everyone would agree that it won't sell as many as pikmin 3. 150k is hardly a blockbuster, maybe by Wii-U standards.
@GSJones1994 @bluefox755 Spewing lies? I quoted the article, lol...maybe you should read it. Don't get mad dude, it's just a console, not everyone has to love nintendo just because you do. :)
@yearssomuch @bluefox755 How long do you think they're willing to wait? People want 'something' decent to hold them off, Nintendo has offered up nothing worthwhile.
If nintendo had scrapped their stupid tablet for a regular controller, and used the extra money to make it feel like an actual next gen console, I'd probably be alot more interested...despite their atrocious launch lineup.
"In addition to great titles like Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101, I feel very good about our lineup, and I feel very good about the value proposition we're putting out there for the consumer."
Everyone seems to think that Nintendo will just "take off" once a few games come out. As if millions of people are just waiting for a game to buy the console.
bluefox755's comments