@noah364: Your whole argument is predicated on the idea that women need a leg up. Why are you assuming that women are being held back? Why is that your default conclusion rather than the more reasonable one that there simply aren't as many women interested in the field? Do you automatically assume that men are being kept out of nursing based on the disproportionate representation?
Do they also think there are too few female garbage collectors? Or construction workers? No? What about sewer workers and miners? Are they also concerned equal representation in these fields? How about we just let women choose the careers they want, instead of trying to force your stupid diversity quotas onto everyone.
@civilenginerd: I dunno, if it were me, I'd rather pop in my copy of Dark Souls on 360 and just play than messing with the X1, spending the time downloading a digital copy, unnecessarily clogging up my hard drive, when I can just pop it in my 360 and play it. To each their own though.
@Salt_AU: "I haven't played Tomb Raider as yet, being a PS4 owner, but I am glad it won."
Flawless logic. You were right about one thing though, the Bloody Baron questline was better than anything in Tomb Raider, not every part of the story was perfect, but it was miles better than Tomb Raider lol.
bluefox755's comments