@thenephariouson @Dreamcast86 Why didn't they do all that? Because people didn't like it...it was hugely unpopular. Pretty much sums it up, a good business gives their customers what they want within reason.
well at least they finally get why the petition to reinstate the restrictions is asinine, using one word: options. Still have alot more to do before I consider giving them my money again.
@soolar79 Corporate greed and good customer service aren't mutually exclusive. Companies take care of their customers BECAUSE it's good for business, not because they care.
@ALCHEMISTx24x7 @sigthsandsounds Yeah, none of that sounds very appealing to me, and judging by the all the negativity about it, I'm not the only one, I have other devices for that, I'm not looking for MS to replace them, I want a gaming console, not a media hub, if they'd drop the camera, and free up 2 gigs of ram used by all the garbage they have, I'd probably buy it.
@Slade968 What don't you like about it? You have total control of the world around you, you can do things never done in a sandbox game, at least that's how it's being presented, I'm not much into sandbox games, but if I were, I'd definitely pick this up.
Honestly I don't know why Metro: Last Light has such high requirements (yes, I've played it on max settings), it just doesn't look THAT good, good, but certainly not good enough to justify the hardware requirements.
@Mongol812 @tigress666 Not sure how credible that is, lol. "Now it’s revealed that something very similar happened with the PlayStation 4 used game policies." No quotes, no sources, sounds like speculation.
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